A new programme of guest speaker events organised by Kent Law Clinic’s Criminal Justice Project (CJP) has launched this year, with the aim of provoking lively discussion amongst staff and students.
The first event, an open discussion entitled ‘Why Policing?’ in November, prompted debate about the regulation and control of national police forces. Panel members from Kent Law School included Senior Lecturer in Law Dr Vicky Conway, Associate Lecturer Edward Kirton-Darling, and Clinic solicitor Hannah Uglow.
Organiser Oliver Hartland, a Solicitor’s Assistant at Kent Law Clinic, said: ‘The first CJP event of the year was very successful – members of academia and practice engaged in a lively discussion as to what drives their interests/research in policing and all the speakers said that they would be happy to do a follow-up event.’
In the second event, held earlier this month, John Nee of Becket Chambers spoke about dealing with the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and assorted court organisations (such as the Witness Service and the National Probation Service).
Mr Hartland said: ‘Mr Nee engaged in an excellent discussion of his experiences relating to the CPS and court systems as well as life as a criminal barrister. Plenty of time was allocated at the end for questions and Mr Nee joined some of the students for drinks afterwards where the conversation continued.’
Future events include a talk by a Police Community Support Officer with Kent Police on 27 January and a discussion of the role of the Offender Management Unit within Criminal Justice on 10 February.
Further details are available on the Criminal Justice Project web page.