On Wednesday 12th May 2021 Staff networks in organisations across the UK are celebrating the National Day for Staff Networks.
Also known as Networks Day, the national day for staff networks aims to encourage collaboration, support aligned activity and further inspire the voice of network members. Many staff networks provide employees from under-represented groups with valuable guidance and timely advice as they navigate their organisation’s culture and endeavour to offer their authentic best in the workplace.
The theme for 2021 is #Togetherness.
Why not connect with one of our Staff networks
The Networks provide an opportunity for new and existing staff to meet people outside their own department.
Meetings run termly and dates are advertised on the website Staff Equalities Networks – Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity – University of Kent
The EDI Forum
The overall purpose of the EDI network is to represent the views of staff and students, and act as a channel of communication for equality, diversity and inclusivity topics. Membership includes the departmental EDI Representatives, Staff and Student networks, harassment contacts and student union.
EDI Network – Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity – University of Kent and join in the conversation on the EDI forum Teams site
The LGBT+ Staff Network
The network aims to raise the profile and promote positive attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) staff and all colleagues in the Rainbow Community across the university. We support LGBT+ colleagues in the workplace, and aim to contribute to the development of relevant university policies and practices so that they are LGBT-inclusive, so that Kent is truly a welcoming space for colleagues of all sexualities and gender identities. The LGBT+ Staff Network have a Microsoft Teams channel which you can join by using the code skd6691.
LGBT+ Staff Network – Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity – University of Kent
The Disability Staff Network (DSN)
The Disability Staff Network’s ambition is to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for colleagues with disabilities at Kent. Its purpose is to support disabled staff and those staff working with disability or with an interest in disability. The network also provides a forum to share information and consider good practice, providing recommendations to enhance University policy and practice where appropriate.
The DSN has a Teams/SharePoint at https://livekentac.sharepoint.com/teams/DSN-DisabilityStaffNetwork. If you experience any issues with accessing this please email dsnchair@kent.ac.uk to request to be added.
Disability Staff Network – Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity – University of Kent
The Women’s Network
The Women’s Network has been running since 2004 and has been a positive initiative over the last few years. At a time when the University is keen to promote the recruitment, retention and recognition of women in higher education, and Kent in particular, the women’s network has been a group that offered valuable support to members, and feedback to the University on priorities for action.
Women’s Network – Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity – University of Kent
Harassment contacts
The harassment contacts comprise of individual members of staff who have volunteered to take on the role of the harassment contact. The University has appointed and trained some members of staff as harassment contacts to allow staff a point of contact should they feel they have been subjected to or witnessed any form of harassment.
Harassment Contacts – Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity – University of Kent
The BAME Staff Network
The BAME Staff Network was launched in October 2019 to support the University’s commitment to equality, diversity and inclusivity and provide an active forum for BAME staff to discuss issues and share experiences important to them. The network bring a range of experience and knowledge related to both staff and students – critical to a nuanced contextual understanding of BAME experiences at the University. The network creates a community for academic and professional members of staff who identify as being part of a Black Asian Minority ethnic group. The aim is to help each other connect in ways that will create a sense of belonging through sharing our experiences and providing support that will drive progressive equitable change. Email: bamestaffnetwork@kent.ac.uk
BAME Network – Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity – University of Kent
Other networks – Contact Equalityanddiversity@kent.ac.uk for further information
WREN – Women’s Researcher Network
Inclusion Allies and Mental Health Allies
[Allyship is] an active, consistent, and arduous practice of unlearning and re-evaluating, in which a person in a position of privilege and power seeks to operate in solidarity with a marginalized group
allyship is not an identity—it is a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people
PeerNet BC definition of allyship