Time for development

How to get the best from self-isolation or social distancing

Woman using laptop
  "june-o-6L3k14codcU-unsplash" by June O. Attribution

Now we can’t go to the cinema, out for dinner or down the pub, so what exactly can we do?

As an L&OD Adviser people often tell me they don’t have time to undertake development activities at work and to be fair it’s often a struggle to attend courses or protect time set aside to do online development activities. There always seems to be something which presents itself as being more important or more urgent.

So now many of us have been asked to work from home (WFH), practice social distancing by not going out and about and in worst cases complete self-isolation. This is a massive opportunity we have before us.

Yes, CoronaVirus or Covid19, whatever you want to call it, presents us with a massive opportunity!

WFH for many of us means there are aspects of our job we simply can’t do, most of us have less meetings to fill our time (although technology is great for allowing virtual meetings in many cases), so we have the ideal time to catch up on some of those development opportunities we haven’t had time to do.

Over the next few weeks, L&OD will be putting out communications about new trial formats of training. We are looking at the potential to deliver some webinars and to accelerate the launch of new courses on our Staff Training Moodle site.

In the meantime, there are still plenty of online development opportunities you can utilise to maximise the time you might have.

Below I have compiled a catalogue of development opportunities which you might wish to review.


  1. Review, refresh, update your understanding of our University of Kent mandatory staff training information 
  2. Access our open enrolment courses on Staff Training Moodle (Recruitment & Selection and Digital Accessibility, with more coming soon)
  3. For all members of staff we have the NEW Anti-Bribery module on Staff Training Moodle
  4. Review the available IT training resources available
  5. Review available Agresso Finance training available
  6. Take a look at doing a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) – there are many found online which are free or at very minimal cost and they cover an amazing array of topics.
  7. New ADDITION: 40 Minute Guided Mindfulness sessions

Key suppliers are listed below;


So grab yourself a coffee, hunker down and take the time to enjoy some personal development.   

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