BAG week – save the date!

After the success of 'Belong and Grow' - it's your BAG week in May this year, we are doing it all again in 2020.

Belong and Grow – it’s your BAG week, or #BAG week took place in May 2019. The aim of the week was to celebrate diversity, promote wellbeing and encourage learning for all staff and students. The week encompassed Learning at Work Week, EDI, Mental Health awareness, Deaf awareness week, IDAHOT and the staff networks. Every event was under the umbrella of one of the aims of the week. Our ethos was that there should be something for everyone – find your ‘BAG’. What’s one person’s bag, may not be another’s.  

The week involved over 40 bookable events at Canterbury and Medway – a complete variety of events facilitated by Kent staff: 

Wellbeing events, such as Mindfulness, Yoga, Tai Chi, a guided walk around the Labyrinth and Reflexology.  

Digital training, such as Mind Mapping, MOOCS, and the digital future. 

EDI/Protected Characteristics sessions, such as LGBT allies, Non-Binary, You don’t look your age, Unconscious Bias, Deaf awareness.  

New skills and hobbies, such as writing, crochet, knitting, Park Run.  

Drop in sessions about Apprenticeships, Careers, a #MeToo Harassment session and our Uni Kent Boob team ran CoppaFeel information sessions.  

Kent Sport also put on special events, such as Japanese Swordsmanship, lifting and many more; making the overall total more than 50 events, all open to staff and students.

Over 400 people enjoyed events during BAG week 2019. Every event was about learning; whether a new skill, developing existing knowledge, participating in discussion, or just relaxing as part of learning how to look after your wellbeing at work.  

AND we are doing it all again in May 2020, so save the date – w/c 18th May 2020.

If you have an interest or speciality and would like to facilitate a BAG week session for us in 2020, please email