The Riverine conference, organised by Prof. Gerald Adler and Dr Manolo Guerci from the 26th to the 29th of June at the Kent School of Architecture, University of Kent, explored the relationship between architecture and rivers at a number of scales, from the geographical, topographical, through the urban, infrastructural, down to that of the individual building or space. It sought to examine the interface between terrain and water through the techniques and cultures of landscape, urban, architectural and material history and design, and through cross cultural studies in art, literature, and social and cultural history. This diverse and multi-disciplinary approach resulted in a lively and most interesting cohort of delegates from all over the world, who commented very positively on the overall outcome of debates.
The conference ended with a guided tour along the course of the River Thames, from its Essex marshland habitat up to its south bank development in London. A book exploring the various strands of the discussion with contributions by the delegates will now be put together by the organisers, and will be published in due course by Routledge.