We’ll we’ve finally done it. We’ve knitted, crocheted, stitched and encouraged each other and today we put up our yarn bomb. Apart from the very obvious joy of working with wool and seeing our work coming to life, it was a fantastic

opportunity to spend a couple of hours as a team building something really great. It was all hands to the wool and needles and even while we were stitching the final bits together there was some pom pom making, sewing in of ends and some very careful design advice being given.
It really is a joy to be part of something so absorbing and so

creative. For those of us who are new to knitting or crochet it has been a great opportunity to learn something new that fills our lunch hours. We’ve often attracted a crowd, keen to see how it’s done and we’ve encouraged and bribed members of staff to take part (once pompommed they pretty quickly come back for more).
What a fantastic testament to team work and creativity.