Wimbledon comes to Kent!

Wimbledon-themed event proves to be a smash with participants

Our tennis team recently hosted their very own Wimbledon event in honour of the global sporting event, replacing the regular Staff Tennis session that week. Taking place on the newly created temporary outdoor tennis courts on the Astro pitch (and making full use of what little sunshine we’ve had recently!), Team Lime and Team Purple took to the courts to go head-to-head in a series of tennis matches. It was Team Purple who took the crown and enjoyed the taste of the strawberries. Team lime still enjoyed some grapes (not sour ones though!).

It was great to see so many taking part and networking with colleagues across the University, while enjoying the physical and mental benefits of tennis and the outdoor courts.

The feedback from participants has been incredible, and reinforces why we run events like this at Kent Sport:

“I really really enjoyed today! Thanks, everyone. I had so much fun!!! Absolutely loved playing outside too, that really made it special, and feel really ‘Wimbledon-y’ 😀 🍓💜 😁”

“Great and fun event, guys and gals! Lovely playing outdoors and meeting and playing with/ against friendly people. I would recommend these sessions to anyone who would like to take up tennis. It’s a great and enjoyable way to pick up the game. Thanks again, Nick and Dean for superb organisation and everyone for playing in a friendly manner.”

“Thank you Nick Skelton and Dean Gonsalves for an excellent and fun Tennis Tournament today! What a great way to spend a lunchtime getting active and socialising with colleagues across Kent uni! And outdoors too where it’s not as hot as the heat inside, we could do with more outdoor courts for tennis!”

Loved it today. Loved playing outside, loved the mixing up and meeting new people, loved the friendly competition, loved the strawbs… next time let’s rustle up some post-game bubbles?!!”

“THANK YOU Nick and Dean especially but everyone who took part, defo a highlight of the week for me.

And we even got a lovely poem from one player!

At our Wimbledon Open, Nick and Dean welcome us to play,

Under the summer’s warmth, with smiles here to stay,

The organizers deserve a cheer, but the players stole the limelight clear,

In their all whites so bright, they dazzled in the sun’s warm light.

Backhands and volleys, a delightful commotion,

But the highlight today? Suntans as tokens of our devotion!


If you missed or couldn’t attend this event, fear not! We will be hosting more of these events through the year in line with various tennis tournaments and seasonal events: Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, US Open, Monster Smash, and Christmas Jumper! 

We’d love for you to join our growing tennis community. You can get involved through our fun, social ALL Active tennis sessions each week, or by playing socially with friends.

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