Sports Interview Series: Badminton

In this series of articles, Kent sport Marketing volunteers Alicia Sanctuary and Tana Navaratnalingam, interview students from the variety of different sports offered at Kent Sport, all at different ability levels. The interviews discover the reasons they chose their desired sport, what their ultimate sport goals are and how Kent Sport has helped them succeed.

To watch the video of the interview, click here.

Badminton – Asad Saib, UKC Badminton Club


Badminton is a recreational sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net. The most common forms of the game are ‘singles’ (with one player per side) and ‘doubles’ (with two players per side). Badminton is often played as a casual outdoor activity; formal games are played on rectangular indoor court.

Badminton is one of the most affordable sports society on campus which gives you the opportunity to improve your skills whilst making lifelong friends. UKC Badminton Club meet twice a week for friendly drop in sessions where rackets and shuttlecocks are provided. There is the chance to play more competitively and represent the university at BUCS. This year UKC Badminton Club introduced intercollege badminton, which is an opportunity for members to represent their colleges and get a more competitive level of play. Badminton is suitable for anyone, regardless if you are a novice or veteran.

In this interview, we hear from Asad Saib, a UKC Badminton Club team player:

Tana: First of all, we are going to do a quick round of questions. So, where is home for you?

Asad: In East London, in Upton Park.

Tana: What is your educational background? What are you studying at the moment?

Asad: I am in my second year in Chemistry

Tana: And how many years have you been doing sports of any sort?

Asad: I started since I was about 5 years old.

Tana: What type of sports have you participated in?

Asad: Football, basketball, done athletics, some swimming and badminton, of course!

Tana: So how many years have you been in your current sport?

Asad: I have been training in Badminton for about 3 years or so.

Tana: And why did you choose Badminton?

Asad: Well, out of all the sports that I have participated in, I have always felt it come naturally to me. Badminton has always been the one that I have always had the most excitement in and ability to relieve all the tension or just play me heart out.

Tana: What has been your biggest accomplishment in the time that you have been playing badminton?

Asad: Well right now I am the second team captain of Kent.

Tana: How has Kent Sport help you achieve your success in badminton?

Asad: Well this year, they have hired a coach called Ray Ralphie and he is been training the team and that has really helped me.

Tana: What do you think of the sports and fitness facilities? Do you think there are any additions you would like to see in future?

Asad: I mean, it is pretty good. The one addition I would say is a swimming pool on campus. That would be beneficial. Perhaps if you could hire on bikes. However, that is debatable but the swimming pool idea is good.

Tana: Definitely yes. A lot of people have been saying about this. So, what has been your biggest challenge or set back while playing badminton?

Asad: For the first year was getting a proper coach. Sometimes little injuries but now things are ok so I am able to continue [playing badminton].

Tana: So what kind of injuries are we talking about? Are we talking about breaking bones and things like that or is it just strains?

Asad: No, just things like muscle strains.

Tana: Muscles strains, that’s fair enough. And what would be your ultimate sports achievement for badminton?

Asad: I currently play in tournaments. I would probably like to win a bronze tournament and maybe win a few matches in the silver competition. That would be cool.

Tana: And the tournaments, are we talking about intercollege tournaments?

Asad: No, this is where you represent yourself individually around the country.

Tana: Oh wow! So, how does participation in sport benefit other areas of life? For example, confidence wise

Asad: Yes. As I said earlier on, it does help with certain tension. You can just put it all on the court and it is a good stress relief. It ups you mood because you are having fun.

Tana: And where and who do you draw your inspiration from?

Asad: Well, it is funny because before I came to Kent, I did play Badminton quite a bit but I realised how much further I can go. There was a fourth year student at University of Kent at the time called Ivan Kong, who was the best player in Badminton by far. I became friends with him and he got me more into badminton but he is the one person that want to win against, in a match. I look up to him for inspiration.

Tana: Oh awesome! And who would you recommend this sport to and why would you recommend?

Asad: Anyone who wants to keep fit. It is good cardio, it’s very quick. Anyone, who wants to have fun as well because it is for both.

Tana: Do you have any sayings or mottos or anything of the sort that inspires you?

Asad: Good things come to those who are patient.

Tana: Ah, I could agree on that one! Alright then thank you very much!


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