Elaine’s XF diary – week 2

This week has been hard. I really hit a wall by Thursday but still felt determined not to give up!  This week I did the following sessions:

Monday               Circuits

Tuesday              not able to get to the gym

Wednesday        lunchtime: Stretch, tone and relax: Evening: Weights session and Zumba (making up for nothing on Tuesday

Thursday             Circuits

By Friday I was in so much pain and felt exhausted and my plans for going to the gym were scuppered as I had to step in and look after my granddaughter.  However this wasn’t as disastrous as I thought.  Saturday morning I woke up feeling like a new women!!!  Went to the gym and had a great weights session.

I’m not sure if I have got through to week 3 yet but if I have, bring it on I’m ready!!  If I haven’t then I will still continue at the same pace because I’m determined to sort my body out!!

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