Kent Sport online booking system

Updating or creating a new account

Creating or updating an account in the Kent Sport online booking system is easy. Here’s the step-by-step guide for members and non-members to update or create an account with our online booking system. Once your account has been created/updated, you will be able to book many Kent Sport activities and services, including:

  • Fitness and dance classes
  • Recreational sports bookings (halls, courts, and pitches)
  • Appointments at the Kent Sports Clinic
  • Social ALL Active sessions

Please note that you do not need to book to use the gym.


To create/update your account visit and choose from one of the following 3 options:

1) For University of Kent students and staff 

To register for online booking:

Students (click ‘I am a Kent student or staff (member or non-member)

Enter your student email address eg)

Password MUST contain the following:

  • Minimum 7 characters
  • At least 1 non letter or digit (so a special character such as ?)
  • At least 1 upper case letter
  • At least 1 lower case letter.

Staff (click ‘I am a Kent student or staff (member or non-member)

Enter your long staff email address eg)

Password MUST contain the following:

  • Minimum 7 characters
  • At least 1 non letter or digit (so a special character such as ?)
  • At least 1 upper case letter
  • At least 1 lower case letter.
  1. Accept the terms and conditions of registration and click ‘create’
  2. You will receive an email prompting you to confirm your email address
  3. Click the link and click confirm when directed to Leisure Hub
  4. You will then be directed to the login page where you enter your email address and password
  5. Your current valid membership should be displayed in the ‘My Memberships’ area
  6. Go to online booking to start making bookings


2) For those with an existing Public membership, or have previously been a Kent Sport member 

Use this option to update or create an account

  1. Go to the Kent Sport homepage or visit our online booking site
  2. Select ‘I am an existing public member or have previously had a membership but I need to create an online account’
  3. Enter your email address and create a password
  4. Accept the terms and conditions of registration and click ‘create’
  5. You will receive an email prompting you to confirm your email address
  6. Click the link and click confirm when directed to Leisure Hub
  7. You will then be directed to the login page where you enter your email address and password
  8. You are automatically given a free ‘Pay to Play membership’ depending on your age
  9. Go to online booking to start making bookings
  10. Go to ‘Membership prices’ or ‘My memberships’ to view other membership options


3) For members of the public who have not previously been a member of Kent Sport

Use this option to create a new account if you’re not a member of Kent Sport. You will be given a free Pay to Play membership, which will allow you to book sessions on a pay-per-session basis.

  1. Go to the Kent Sport homepage or visit our online booking site
  2. Select ‘I am a public non-member who has not previously had a membership and would like to sign up’
  3. Complete the required fields on the registration page
  4. Accept the terms and conditions of registration and click ‘create’
  5. You will receive an email prompting you to confirm your email address
  6. Click the link and click ‘Confirm Email’ when directed to Leisure Hub
  7. You will then be directed to the login page where you enter your email address and password
  8. You are automatically given a free ‘Pay to Play membership’ depending on your age
  9. Go to online booking to start making bookings
  10. Go to ‘Membership prices’ or ‘My memberships’ to view other membership options


Please note that all sessions must be booked and cancelled through your online account.

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