As part of #KentSportWellbeingatHome, Liz Coult, Kent Sport Health and Fitness Instructor, give her ideas to help with coping during these unusual times. Taking care of your mind as well as your body is extremely important while staying at home due to COVID-19.
Stay connected with others
Maintaining healthy relationships with people you trust is important for your mental wellbeing. Think about how you can stay in touch with friends and family while you are all staying at home – by phone, messaging, video calls or social media. Everyone will be feeling the same.
Talk about your worries
It’s normal to feel a bit worried, scared or helpless about the current situation. Remember it’s okay to share your concerns with others you trust – and doing so may help them too.
Look after your body and mind
Our physical health has a big impact on how we feel. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly. You can leave you house, alone or with members of your household for one form of exercise a day – like a walk, run or bike ride. But make sure you keep a safe 2-,metre distance from others.
Think about your new daily routine
Life is changing for awhile. Think about how you can adapt and create positive new routines and set yourself goals. If you are working from home, try to get up and get ready in the same way as normal.
Some ideas to help:
- Home workouts
- Write a daily plan
- Read a book
- Cook
- Same sleeping pattern
Don’t skip breakfast
Some people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. In fact, research shows that people who regularly eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.
Benefits to having a healthy breakfast
- Feel more energised
- Improve concentration and focus
- Weight control
- Controls hunger for the rest of the day/prevents you overeating your next meal
- Improves memory
- Can be a great source of nutrients and minerals
- Brighter happier mood
- You get some amazing food
Breakfast ideas to help
Energy-boosting breakfasts
- muesli, fresh fruit and low-fat yoghurt
- baked beans on wholemeal toast
- Protein-packed breakfasts
- Scrambled eggs (with optional wholemeal toast)
- smoked salmon and low-fat cream cheese bagel
Lighter bites
- banana and oats smoothie
- very berry smoothie
Sleep tips
First of all, keep regular sleeping hours. This programmes the brain and internal body clock to get used to a set routine. And although it may be difficult, try to sleep at regular times.
Cut down on caffeine
Cut down on caffeine in tea, coffee, energy drinks or colas, especially in the evening.
Do not over-indulge
Too much food or alcohol, especially late at night, can interrupt your sleep patterns.
Exercise regularly
Exercise daily use the government guidelines for 1 hour a day. This can help relieve some of the tension built up over the day.
Try to relax before going to bed
Have a warm bath, listen to quiet music, read a book or do some gentle stretches or yoga to relax your mind and body.
If you cannot sleep, get up
If you cannot sleep, do not lie there worrying about it. Get up and do something you find relaxing until you feel sleepy again, then go back to bed.