Kent Sport Bake Off: Gavin’s vegan delight

Gavin Connor, Kent Sport Health and Fitness Instructor, prides himself in his vegan lifestyle. He’s always sharing his incredible creations with the staff at Kent Sport really showing how it’s easy to enjoy delicious food while being vegan. Thank you, Gavin, for your entry into #LockdownBakeOff2020!


Vegan rum and fruit Easter delight cake


2 cups plain flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2/3 cups brown sugar
finely grated rind of 1 lemon
1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger
pinch ground cloves

1/2 cup sultanas, raisins, or currants, or any mix of (pre-soak, or cover with boiling water and let stand)
1/2 cup canned pineapple pieces, drained

1/4 cup sunflower oil
5 tablespoons soy milk (or rice milk)



Pre-heat oven to 200°C / 190°C fan / 400°F.

Lightly oil a large cake tin

Sift together flour and baking powder, and spices. Stir in sugar and lemon rind.

Add drained sultanas and pineapple.

Mix the oil and milk and stir into the mixture, to make a dough which just binds together. (less liquid than if making a cake batter).

*I like to add rum or alcohol to this but you can adapt this yourself and add different nuts etc but stick to the same method.

Fudgy date frosting vegan

1 cup of pitted dates about 6/7

1/2 cup of hot water

1/4 cup of cocoa powder

1tbsp of peanut butter

1/4 tsp salt


Place dates in hot water for around 10 minutes, once soft blend in blender until smooth, add cocoa powder, peanut butter and salt. Blend again, pour frosting into bowl. This can be stored for up to five days.


Then decorate to your heart’s content! Since it’s Easter, we topped ours with ‘Easter eggs’. We made these by using 75g of vegan chocolate and 1 avocado skin. Only heat the chocolate then spoon melted chocolate into the skins of the avocado with all sides covered. Put in freezer for around 30 minutes until hardened.

*Baking tips*

Take your time playing around with the recipe. Have fun with baking and don’t be afraid to try new things. Cooking is about trial and error, but having fun also.

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