Annual Review of Social Partnerships – 9th issue

The 9th issue of the Annual Review of Social Partnerships, edited by Dr May Seitanidi, is now available.

This is a collaborative, open access resource, developed by and for cross-sector social partnership academics and practitioners. With more than 30,000 recipients around the world, the aim of the ARSP is to advance our understanding of collaboration for solving societal problems by bridging insights from theory and practice.

Highlights of the 9th ARSP include:

* Interviews with and contributions by academic thought leaders, including Henry Mintzberg, Ans Kolk and Miguel Rivera-Santos, and leading practitioners such as Jonas Haertle (PRME) and Steve Waddell (NetworkingAction)

* State of the art review of 100+ new publications on cross-sector partnerships

* Lessons from new tools for teaching cross-sector collaboration such as MOOCs and simulations

* Academic and practitioner insights on case examples of cross-sector partnerships across the world

* Reviews of recent sustainability research programs on cross-sector collaboration

* News from the community: past and future events; meet new members of the community


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