Entrepreneurs offer Advice at Medway Business Start Up Journey Launch

The Business Start-Up Journey launch event took place on 12 October at our Medway campus.

Entrepreneurs Tomiwa Sosanya, Winner Adebayo and Giovanni Morgan shared stories of setting up their start-ups and support their received from ASPIRE.

Marketing graduate Giovanni Morgan appeared at the event alongside other former ASPIRE students

During the drop-in part of the event, ASPIRE’s Entrepreneur in Residence, Jon Carroll provided practical advice to students curious about setting up their business.

“Joining The Business Start-Up Journey completely shifted my mind, I started thinking like an entrepreneur,” remarked Tomiwa Sosanya who presented on the day.

“There are lots of different business ideas out there, but it’s all about the execution,” said former Marketing student Giovanni Morgan who is owner of MGX Jeans, a fashion label.

The event was well attended, and everyone enjoyed networking over pizza afterwards.

Do you want to develop a business idea or launch a start-up? Are you interested in learning more about entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation? Then ASPIRE, the University-wide space for entrepreneurship and start-ups is here for you.

For the Business Start Up Journey timetable click here.

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