Professor George Saridakis delivers workshop on Research Writing and Publishing


Professor George Saridakis and Dr Yazid Abdullahi (University of Sharjah) delivered an online workshop on Writing and Publishing Your Research for the research students at UBD School of Business and Economics, Brunei Darussalam on the 26th of September 2022.

The workshop introduced research students to the challenges that they are likely to face while writing their research papers and subsequently when trying to publish these in academic journals. A number of aspects were covered during the workshop such as choosing a research topic, research collaboration, dealing with data and methodological questions, identifying the right journal for submission and dealing with the referees’ reports.

The event was an opportunity for doctoral candidates to learn about the challenges of publishing in academic journals, especially in terms of publishing in high quality peer reviewed journals.

Professor Saridakis’ said “I enjoyed delivering this workshop with Dr Abdullahi and being able to share our experience with the UBDSBE research students. Doing a PhD is a long journey indeed, with each piece of research produced expected to reach publication stage. The latter is probably the ‘Ithaca’ for a researcher, but equally important is the journey to it.’

George Saridakis is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Small Business and Head of Department for Marketing, Entrepreneurship & International Business and a well published researcher in the areas of small business and entrepreneurship.  George’s research has been presented at various international conferences for which he has won four best conference paper’ awards and the Scottish Enterprise award.

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