Launched in 1994, Gender, Work & Organization was the first journal to provide an arena dedicated to debate and analysis of gender relations, the organisation of gender and the gendering of organisations. The Gender, Work & Organization conference provides an international forum for debate and analysis of contemporary debates affecting gender studies.
We are delighted to invite you to the GWO 2021 virtual conference.
The GWO conference was originally scheduled to take place in June 2020 in conventional face-to-face mode but due to the Covid-19 pandemic we had to cancel the event. Given the persistence of the pandemic we are relaunching the Gender, Work & Organisation 11th biennial international interdisciplinary conference as a virtual event, and we are delighted to invite you to what will be a ‘first’ for Gender, Work & Organisation. This will be held at Kent Business School on 30 June – 2 July 2021. The Conference is organised by the University of Kent’s Professor Patricia Lewis and Professor Ruth Simpson of Brunel University London.
GWO 2021 is built around the streams which derive from the cancelled GWO 2020 conference. While some of you will have already submitted abstracts to your chosen stream, we would like to give those who have not yet done so, the opportunity to submit an abstract for GWO 2021. Full details of each individual stream can be found below.
Timeline for abstracts:
- Call for additional abstracts. Deadline for submission of abstracts to stream convenor, Friday 22 January 2021
- Stream convenor decision on acceptance of abstract communicated to author by Friday 26 February 2021
- Find out more about abstract submission here.
Open stream
In addition to the specialist streams running as part of GWO 2021 Conference at Kent, we will also be running an open stream. This is for submissions which explore issues related to the overall theme of the conference “Transforming Contexts, Transforming Selves: Gender in New Times” but which do not have an exact fit with the streams which have a particular research focus. Call for abstracts can be found here. Please submit an abstract to your chosen stream by emailing it to the relevant stream convenors. The list of streams available can be found here.
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