Kent Business School academics are ranked amongst the top 2% of most influential scientists in the world based on the report updated for 2021 by researchers at Stanford University.
The report published October 2022, is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above. The KBS academics who achieved top 2% status are:
Professor Joseph Amankwah-Amoah
Joseph’s research engages with the sub-discipline of international business and strategy focusing specifically on business failure in emerging economies.
Thanos’ research is located within operations and information management, with a focus on: the application of Information Systems and Digital/Emerging Technologies on supply chain management; supply chain design issues and disruptions/relief operations; resilience and sustainability in various contexts
Shaomin has considerable experience in a range of research areas, including: Recurrent Event Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Risk Analysis and Security Analysis.
Professor Salhi’s research centres on heuristic optimisation with a focus on routing and location including green aspects of logistic research. His research covers heuristic optimisation and their implementation in practice, hybridisation search including the integration of heuristic and exact method; distribution management, real-time routing and scheduling: green logistics including electrical and environmental routing and robust optimisation
Professor Marian Garcia Martinez
Dean of KBS Marian’s primary research interests relate to New Product Development and Innovation Management, in particular how SMEs use consumer insights to enhance their innovation performance. Marian has published several refereed journal articles on the transition from closed to open innovation models and the organisational and managerial challenges companies face to accommodate a more externally orientated mindset.
Patricia Lewis is Professor of Management, and her research examines the gendered aspects of entrepreneurship, leadership, and management within a variety of organizational contexts. She has published widely in a range of journals including the British Journal of Management, Human Relations, Organization Studies, International Journal of Management Reviews, and the International Small Business Journal. She was Joint Editor-in-Chief of the journal Gender, Work & Organization from mid 2017 to the end of 2020 and she hosted the Gender, Work & Organization International Interdisciplinary Virtual Conference at Kent in June 2021.
John Mingers is Professor of Operational Research and Information Systems at Kent Business School. His research interests include research metrics; the nature of information, meaning and knowledge; the use of systems methodologies in problem situations – multimethodology, and the philosophy of critical realism. He is an Academician of the Academy of the Social Sciences, and has been an Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly
Professor Ozkan is head of Accounting and Finance and Kent Business School, having just joined the University this year. His principal research interests lie in the field of empirical corporate finance, covering a wide range of topics in finance and financial economics, including corporate investment, capital structure and dividend policy as well as cash holdings policies; corporate governance and ownership structure, managerial compensation, agency conflicts within corporations; economics of insolvency procedures and corporate bankruptcies; corporate social responsibility; and climate risk.
The database is available for public viewing and features over 100,000 top-scientists.
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