Just a few more weeks to sign up to the exciting Gender, Work & Organization virtual conference –Transforming Contexts, Transforming Selves: Gender in New Times.
Launched in 1994, Gender, Work & Organization was the first journal to provide an arena dedicated to debate and analysis of gender relations, the organisation of gender and the gendering of organisations. The Gender, Work & Organization conference provides an international forum for analysis of contemporary debates affecting gender studies.
The GWO conference was originally scheduled to take place in June 2020 in conventional face-to-face mode but due to the Covid-19 pandemic we had to cancel the event.
This summer, we are relaunching the Gender, Work & Organisation 11th biennial international interdisciplinary conference as a virtual event, and we are delighted to invite you to what will be a ‘first’ for Gender, Work & Organisation.
This will be held virtually via Kent Business School on 30 June – 2 July 2021. The Conference is organised by the University of Kent’s Professor Patricia Lewis and Professor Ruth Simpson of Brunel University London.
Keynote speakers at the event include:
Whatever Happened to Race in Organisational studies? Professor Stella Nkomo, Department of Human Resource Management in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences at the University of Pretoria.
Professor Nkomo examines explicit and benign efforts to erase ‘race’ in management and organisation studies which have failed to disrupt its continuing significance.
Viral Masculinity and New Populisms: A Pandemic Approach to Identity. Professor Karen Lee Ashcraft, Professor of Organizational Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder.
Aggrieved masculinity is going viral and global under the cover of populism. Ashcraft sheds light on how masculinity delivers a crucial yet overlooked form of identity politics, one that helps it retain its generic, unmarked status as “the people.”
Transforming selves in troubled times: Challenging degraded, deranged and debilitating masculinities in the age of a ‘post-truth’ return to misogyny, nationalism, and racism. Professor David Knights, Lancaster University Management School and Oxford Brookes Business School.
In the era of ‘post truth’, Knights delves into the contemporary backlash against the neo-liberal consensus in Western politics, especially its anti-immigration manifestation and assesses a link between relative deprivation and the intensification of an aggressive masculine.
A new normal? ‘Post-gay’ sexualities in and outside the workplace. Professor Nick Rumens, Business and Management, Oxford Brookes University.
Professor Rumens explores a knowledge gap in organisation studies regarding how post-gay sexualities are discursively constituted and organised in the workplace. Sexualities studies research on post-gay sexualities, indicates that lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT+) identity categories are increasingly irrelevant as core identities.
Streams at the event include: Gender and Entrepreneurship; Inequalities and Discrimination in the Public Sector; Technology, Gender and Working Life, The Afterlife of Lean-In: Neoliberal Feminism and the Ideal of Work-Family Balance and many more.
To register for the event, click here.
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