Kent Business School is pleased to welcome Professor Wolfgang Glänzel. Professor Glänzel is based at KU Leuven where he is Director of the Centre for R&D Monitoring (ECOOM), one of the leading research centres in bibliometrics. Professor Glänzel is amongst the most prolific and highly cited researchers in his area. He was awarded the Derek de Solla Price Medal in recognition of his contributions. Among many other roles, Professor Glänzel serves as editor-in-chief of Scientometrics. He is also affiliated with the Institute for Research Organisation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and holds doctorates in both mathematics and social science. Apart from Scientometrics, Professor Glänzel has published in journals, such as Research Policy, JASIST, Information Processing & Management, and the Journal of Informetrics.
He and Professor Meyer have been working on a range of publications in the area of bibliometrics and patent analysis. Their research has focused on the emergence of nanotechnology and various forms of patent citation analysis. Currently, they are working on a bibliometric analysis of Big Data as an unfolding and fast-moving area of science and technology.