Rajendra Shirolé (Director of the Kent MBA) and Dr Diogo Souza-Monteiro (Lecturer in Marketing) recently judged a selection of presentations made by students taking the Business Principles for Biodiversity Conservation DICE module. Dr Nigel Hardiman, DICE Lecturer in Conservation Business said this process should be a “fun and enjoyable learning experience.”
Based on a Dragons Den format, students were asked to present their business plans to the ‘Dragons’ who each had a notional £100,000 to inject into the business as ‘impact investors’. The students were asked to bid for an amount of this fund, and were judged on their presentations’ biodiversity and commercial merits.
Out of the seven presentations, Kirsty Leitch from the conservation and tourism programme won with her project on Lagan Tourism Enterprise.
Both the Kent Business School representatives agreed that this was a great opportunity for inter schools collaboration and to see good ideas for conservation oriented businesses.