Conferences on Causality in the Sciences

Forthcoming Conferences

EpiCause 2024: Causality in Epidemiology
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, 2-4 May 2024

Past Conferences

HaCitS 2023: Heuristics and Causality in the Sciences
University College London, 18-20 May 2023

CiNaPS 2018: Causality in Neuro- and Psychological Sciences
Antwerp, 19-21 September 2018

TaCitS 2017: Time and Causality in the Sciences
Stevens Institute of Technology, New York, 7-9 June 2017
Selected papers published in Samantha Kleinberg (ed.), Time and Causality across the Sciences, CUP 2019.

CitSoMaB 2016: Causality in the Sciences of Mind and Brain
Aarhus, 27-29 June 2016

CaMitS 2015: Causality and Modelling in the Sciences
Madrid, 29 June – 1 July 2015
Selected papers published in Maria Jimenez-Buedo & Federica Russo (eds): Disputatio 9(47), 2017.

CaCitS 2014: Causality and Complexity in the Sciences
University of Cologne, Germany, 8-11 September 2014

CaEitS 2013: Causality and Experimentation in the Sciences
University of Paris IV, France, 1-3 July 2013

ECitS 2012: Evidence and Causality in the Sciences
University of Kent, UK, 5-7 September 2012
Selected papers published in Phyllis Illari & Federica Russo (eds): Topoi 33(2), 2014

CaEitS 2011: Causality and Explanation in the Sciences
Ghent University, Belgium, 19-21 September 2011
Understanding Society blog post
Selected papers published in Bert Leuridan & Erik Weber (eds): Theoria 27(2), 2012, and also Erkenntnis 78(2), 2013

CiBaSS 2010: Causality in the Biomedical and Social Sciences
Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6-8 October 2010
Selected papers published in Phyllis McKay Illari, Julian Reiss & Federica Russo (eds): Studies in History and Philosophy of Science C 43(4), 2012

MaCitS 2009: Mechanisms and Causality in the Sciences
University of Kent, UK, 9-11 September 2009
Selected papers published in Phyllis McKay Illari, Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds): Causality in the sciences, Oxford University Press, 2011

CaPitS 2008: Causality and Probability in the Sciences
University of Kent, UK, 10-12 September 2008
Selected papers published in Phyllis McKay Illari, Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds): Causality in the sciences, Oxford University Press, 2011

CaPiM: Causality and Probability in the bioMedical sciences
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 1 December 2006

CaPitS 2006: Causality and Probability in the Sciences
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 14-16 June 2006
Selected papers published in Federica Russo & Jon Williamson (eds): Causality and probability in the sciences, London: College Publications, Texts in Philosophy Series, 2007. Introduction: [PDF – 124kbs] , Buy: UK, US

 Steering Committee

Phyllis Illari: Science & Technology Studies, UCL
Samantha Kleinberg, Computing, Stevens
Bert Leuridan, Philosophy, Antwerp & Ghent
Julian Reiss: Philosophy, Durham
Federica Russo: Philosophy, Amsterdam
Erik Weber: Philosophy, Ghent
Jon Williamson: Philosophy, Kent

If you would like your email address to be added to the mailing list for this series, please email with “subscribe cits-alerts” as subject.

 Related Events

11 August 2011 – Third UCL-Kent workshop on causality (UCL, Centre for Reasoning)

9-10 June 2011 – Causality and intervention (Kent Reid Hall Campus, Paris, Centre for Reasoning)

Organised by Federica Russo and Phyllis McKay Illari.
Slides: Neil Bramley, Lorenzo Casini, Luis Mireles-Flores & Francois Claveau, Phyllis McKay Illari, Eric Raidl, Federica Russo


10-11 January 2011 – Work in progress on causality and evidence (Kent Brussels Campus, Centre for Reasoning)

Organised by Federica Russo and Phyllis McKay Illari.
Slides: Bruno Bauwens, Lorenzo Casini, Francois Claveau, Phyllis McKay Illari, Jan Lemeire, Alessio Moneta & Federica Russo

18 August 2010: Workshop on mechanisms and causality, Ghent, Belgium (Philosophy faculty)

Speakers include Phyllis Illari; Federica Russo; Jan Lemiere; Meinard Kuhlmann


28-29 June 2010 – Work in progress in causal and probabilistic reasoning (Kent Reid Hall Campus, Paris, Centre for Reasoning)

27 January 2010 – Second UCL-Kent workshop on causality (KS25, 11-5.20pm, Centre for Reasoning)

16 June 2009: Workshop on mechanisms and causality in the sciences, Ghent, Belgium (room 219, Philosophy faculty)

  • 10.30-11.10 Isabelle Drouet: ‘The propensity interpretation of fitness’
  • 11.20-12.00 Phyllis Illari: ‘Function’
  • 1.30-2.10 Federica Russo: ‘Extrapolation and external validity’
  • 2.20-3.00 Jan Lemiere: ‘Menzies’ contextualism’
  • 3.30-5.00 Erik Weber: ‘Causal perspectivalism’

Spring 2009: Reading group, Belgium
25 February: Picket and Pearl 01, Courgeau 03 (3.00-5.30pm, room 5k327 VUB)
8 April: Heckman 08 – Econometric causality (3.30-5.30pm, room KE.2.16 VUB)
6 May: Machamer 04 – Activities and Causation, Bogen 08 – Causally productive activities (3.30-5.30pm, room KE.2.16 VUB)
2 June: sections 1-4 of Menzies 04 – Difference-making in context, and Menzies 04 – Causation in context (3.30-5.30pm, room KE.2.16 VUB)

Spring 2009: Causal inference seminar and discussion group, Cambridge

2008-9: Lille discussion group
18 December 2008: Wimsatt 94 – The ontology of complex systems1994, Bechtel Abrahamsen 08 – From reduction back to higher levels, Leuridan – Can Mechanisms Really Replace Laws of Nature (12 noon, Les 3 Brasseurs)



Autumn 2008: Reading group, Belgium
14 October: Psillos – A Glimpse of the Secret Connexion: Harmonising Mechanisms with Counterfactuals (3-5pm, room 5k327 VUB)
18 November: Gerring 05 – Causation – a unified framework for the social sciences (3-5pm, room 5k327 VUB)
10 December: Parascandola Weed 01 – Causation in epidemiology, Rothman Greenland 05 – Causation and Causal Inference in Epidemiology, Tam 06 – Causal thinking and causal language in epidemiology (4-6pm, room 5k327 VUB)

23 July 2008 – Kent-UCL workshop on causality and linking mechanisms (CGU2, 1-6pm, Kent Centre for Reasoning)