IWOTA 2024 will bring together leading international experts for an exchange of results and methods, and for tracing the future development in operator theory, complex analysis, harmonic analysis, linear algebra, random matrix theory, mathematical physics, and their applications. In addition to plenary and semi-plenary talks, the conference provides opportunities for all participants (including young researchers) to present their results in invited and contributed sessions, and to interact with other researchers with similar interests and form new collaborations. It will be held August 12-16, 2024 at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK.
Contact: iwota2024@kent.ac.uk
The associated 26th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS 2024) takes place at Cambridge University 19-23 August 2024.
Inclusivity Statement
The University of Kent is committed to promoting an environment where everyone can be themselves and achieve their full potential regardless of protected characteristic or socio-economic background. We believe that when people feel included and valued, they can achieve more, are more fully engaged and able to deliver better outcomes for our staff and students. Inclusion is also essential in our aim to ensure that the University is a place all staff and students feel proud of and want to belong to.