Looking to enhance your research skills in just 30 minutes? We’re thrilled to invite you to our Effective Finding and Managing information for your assignment sessions!
When: 18th, 21st, 22nd Nov
Where: Online via MS Teams
Duration: Just 30 minutes!
In these quick yet powerful sessions you can learn how to find, evaluate, and reference resources for your assignments. Our library sessions are open to Kent students at all stages.
Finding journal articles
Monday 18th Nov 10.00 – 10.45 Including 15 mins q+a
The library team will take you through the basics of searching for journal articles and improving your search results useful for assignments, literature reviews, and dissertations.
This session will include:
- How to turn your topic into a research strategy
- Searching article databases
- Advanced search techniques (boolean searching, subject filters, proximity searching)
- Evaluating your research
Finding secondary data
Thursday 21st Nov 10.00 – 10.45 Including 15 mins q+a
The library team will introduce you to resources for finding datasets and statistics as secondary data which is useful for assignments, literature reviews, and dissertations.
This session will include
- Finding datasets by subject
- General statistics and reports
- How to reference secondary data
- What to do when there isn’t any data!
Evaluating and referencing your research
Friday 22nd Nov 10.00 – 10.45 Including 15 mins q+a
The library team will introduce you to the basics of evaluating and referencing your research which is essential for assignments, literature reviews, and dissertations.
This session will include
- How to evaluate data
- Introducing critical thinking skills
- How to create in-text citations and bibliographies using reference management tools such as Mendeley and Zotero
For more information contact academiclibrary@kent.ac.uk