How to finance a business

Firstly, you need to be sure that you actually need financing to get your business off the ground. Most people mistakenly believe you need vast … Read more

How to write a business plan

Writing a business plan might seem like a long and boring task, but it forces you to think about your idea rigorously, highlights potential problems … Read more

5 ways to boost brand awareness

Starting a new firm in this economy can be difficult especially when increasing your brand awareness. However, it will cool off when using the right … Read more

Competitor Research and USP

Look at figures from competitors to work out what sort of demand you will have. What will your production costs be like, and how much … Read more

What is Intellectual Property?

  Property, in legal terms, means anything you can own. Intellectual property (IP) is property that’s a result of mental effort and original creative thinking. … Read more