A hoard from Worlington

Kelly recently visited Mildenhall Museum in Suffolk to examine a hoard of 96 coins found nearby at Worlington. Like many metal-detected discoveries, the hoard was recovered by … Read more

Identifying a Container

In 2008, a metal-detectorist discovered a hoard in North Yorkshire consisting of 76 siliquae and 10 bronze coins known as nummi. A small pottery fragment … Read more

Studying the Containers

Last month, James visited Wiltshire Museum Devizes to examine and photograph the Stanchester hoard container. A bronze ring fragment, three gold coins (solidi), thirty-three miliarenses and … Read more

Analysing the metal artefacts

Following the end of Roman rule in Britain, imports of coinage and other precious metals ended abruptly and the existing supply of precious metals such … Read more

A Spoon Hoard from Dorchester

Ellen and Kelly recently visited Dorset Museum and Art Gallery to study the coins and objects from a late Roman hoard found in Dorchester (Dorset) in … Read more

Meet the Team

Collectively, the 50+ hoards that we have chosen to study contain thousands of coins and hundreds of other artefacts. For a number of these hoards, … Read more