We should all be increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables we eat, but only 15% of adults are meeting the government’s 5 a day target.

For some ideas on how to add more fruit and vegetables to your daily meals click on the link below.



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Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting men in the U.K.

It generally affects men over 50 and each year around 41.000 men are diagnosed with this cancer and around 10,000 men will die from the disease.

To find out more about the signs and symptoms of Prostate Cancer, what treatments are available and where to go for help and support follow the link.




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Sugar Intake Should Be Halved

According to a new Government report the amount of calories obtained from sugar in our diet should be no more than 5% of our total daily calorie intake.

This is half of the previous recommendation of 10%

To find out more about the new advice, the different types of sugars in our diets, and how to reduce your sugar intake follow the link: NHS choices, Sugar Intake advice


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Be Sun Aware

With spring here and sunnier days on the way we all need to be more careful in the sun. A recent survey by the British Association of Dermatology suggest that more than three-quarters of Britons would not recognise  the signs of skin cancer.

Skin cancer rates in the U.K. are rising and the risk of developing Melanoma, the most serious form of the disease, is more than doubled in people with a history of sunburn.

To find out how to protect your skin in the sun and for information about what signs to look out for follow the link.



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Time To Change

Talking about mental health – Mind and Rethink Mental Illness have joined together to develop a campaign aimed at ending the stigma faced by people with mental health problems.

They are encouraging everyone to talk about mental health. You don’t need to be an expert, just doing little things like asking someone how they are can make all the difference.

Follow the link  for more help advice and information on the Time to Change campaign.


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Inactivity Kills

New research from the University of Cambridge has found that all people die from inactivity than they do from obesity. However, a brisk 20 minute walk everyday would provide substantial health benefits. If you need some encouragement to get going, click on the link to find walks around the Canterbury area which are free to download and print.


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Feeling Tired All the Time

TATT – Feeling tired is so common that is has been given its own acronym TATT, which stands for ‘Tired all the time’.

Up to one in five people feels unusually tired at any given time and one in ten have prolonged fatigue. There are many causes for this which can include physical, psychological or lifestyle issues.

For further information on the causes of chronic tiredness and useful tips about  how to tackle it follow the link below.




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Type 2 Diabetes

More than a third of Adults in England at are risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes include, feeling thirsty, passing urine frequently, particularly at night, feeling very tired, weight loss and loss of muscle bulk.

It is important to diagnose the condition as soon as possible, as if left untreated diabetes can cause many health problems.

To find out more about Type 2 diabetes and assess your risk of developing the condition, follow the link below.


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Moodgym Training Programme

Are you feeling nervous worried or upset about little things. Do you want to identify and overcome problem emotions? Develop good coping skills for the future and enjoy good mental health, Moodgym might be just the programme for you.

Moodgym is a free, fun interactive programme consisting of a number of different modules which explore issues such as why you feel the way you do, changing the way you think and knowing what makes you upset.

The programme will help you to understand how your emotions arise, develop a better understanding of relationships and develop some stratergies to cope with stress.

If you are interested in trying Moodgyn the follow link:


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Are you suffering fromTinnitus?

Tinnitus is not a disease it is a condition in which noises, usually buzzing or ringing are heard in the ear in the absence of corresponding external sound.

An estimated 10% of the UK population are affected by tinnitus and while some people manage the condition, for others it causes a great deal of stress and agitation. At present there is not specific cure for tinnitus but there are a lot of therapists that can help.

For more information on this condition and to find out what help and support is available follow link: http://www.tinnitus.org.uk/

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