In this weeks’s edition…
NHS launches new collaboration to sustain and improve local hospitals
The NHS has invited expressions of interest from hospitals across England interested in developing new ways of delivering and improving their local acute services.
The aim is to enhance the viability of local hospitals through new formal shared working arrangements between clinical specialists at different hospitals, and to improve efficiency by sharing back office administration and management between different sites.
The new ‘vanguard’ sites, to be developed as part of implementing the Five Year Forward View, build on the proposals in the recent report from Sir David Dalton.
On the vanguards, NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens said: “Rather than automatically assuming that centralised, ‘bigger is better’ we want to test new ways of sustaining local NHS hospital services, with more sharing of medical expertise across sites, and more efficiency from shared back office administration.”
The main focus – led by Monitor, NHS Trust Development Authority and NHS England – will be to support providers of acute services to develop new arrangements that can be replicated across England at scale and for the new models to improve quality, productivity and efficiency.
Invitations are now being sought from all providers of acute services – including small hospitals.
Click here for more information.
Seminar: The Basque Chronicity Strategy
Wednesday 3 June 2015
Sofitel Hotel, Gatwick Airport, RH6 0PH, UK
17:30 to 19:30
Our speakers
Dr. Rafael Bengoa
Minister of Health for the Basque government from 2009 – 2013 and creator of the strategy.
Dr. Josep Carbo
from Accenture, Spain, led the team that implemented the systems changes necessary for the strategy to be effective.
The main objectives of the strategy are to respond to the needs generated by the phenomena of long term conditions in all affected groups:
• chronic patients: change from a reactive to a proactive system which offers better integrated care across the care continuum and in an approach better adapted to their needs,
• health workers: focus on tasks where the professionals provide the maximum value,
• citizens: more efficient use of public system resources, health promotion and prevention of long term conditions
This seminar links into the region wide Older People’s Programme which aims to maintain the independence and vitality of older people for longer.
Click here to register now.
SEHTA 2015 AGM and annual conference
Tuesday 16 June
Leatherhead Food Research, Leatherhead, Surrey
09:30 – 16:00
“Success for SMEs” – Pounds, Policies, Proposition and Procurement.
Click here to book your place.
Save the date: Paediatric Neurodisability Software Solutions
Thursday 18 June 2015
Holiday Inn, Gatwick
09:30 – 17:00
A critical mass is being reached in software solutions for medical purposes. However paediatric neurodisability work is overshadowed digitally, mirroring NHS funding. Digital administrative tools and geriatric interventions dominate production. Applications for paediatric neurodisability are still in their infancy, with Randomised Controlled Trials currently lacking, and so systematic reviews of small scale projects take their place alongside case studies. The road from development to clinical rollout is lengthy so we aim to bring academics, clinicians and business interested in this area together to focus on applications for therapy and diagnostics. In the afternoon we will be running roundtable workshops to pull together industry, academia and NHS clinicians to collaborate to improve the lives of children with neurodisability.
For the agenda, click here and for more information contact SEHTA events team.
Click here to book your place.
Innovation summit and showcase
Living well for longer
Tuesday 23 June
Hilton Hotel, Gatwick
09:00 – 17:30
The conference will focus on living well for longer. That means developing sustainable solutions to maintain the independence and vitality of older people, and managing long-term conditions better to reduce avoidable emergency admissions.
Click here to register
Seminar: Buurtzorg
Wednesday 15 July
Sofitel Hotel, Gatwick
17:30 – 19:30
A new model of patient centred home care started in the Netherlands by a team of nurses dissatisfied with traditional services, with savings of around 40% to the Dutch homecare budget.
Click here to register
Surrey Informatics Summer School 2015
How to use routine health data for quality improvement and research
Sunday 26 July – Friday 31 July 2015
Faculty of Business Economics and Law University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH
Price: Non-commercial: (Academic/NHS) £450 Commercial: £750
The Department of Health Care Management & Policy will be hosting its fourth annual health informatics summer school from July 26th to 31st July 2015.
This full time 6 day intensive short course is for health care professionals, researchers and analysts wanting to work with routine health data to measure quality, research and improve outcomes.
A deep understanding of health informatics is increasingly recognised as essential for those seeking to advance their careers within the health sector. Informatics is one of the fastest growing specialisms within the health sector. At its core the insight gained from the analysis of relevant, reliable and timely information enables clinicians, researchers, managers and commissioners to make informed decisions that lead to improved outcomes.
Taught by highly regarded experts in the field the course will teach analytical techniques and tools on real world scenarios to generate practical insight and embed learning.
For more information and to book your place, Click here.
Save the date: Medical device regulations training course
21 October 2015
Leatherhead Food Research, Leatherhead, Surrey
09:30 – 16:30
SEHTA in partnership with Maetrics & Medilink UK is holding a training course on Medical Device Regulations on Wednesday 21st October in Leatherhead, Surrey.
Training Course Facilitator:
Peter is the Managing Director of Maetrics Ltd, the UK operation of the wider Maetrics organisation. Headquartered in Indianapolis USA, Maetrics is a leading global consulting firm specialising in performance improvement and compliance prevention and resolution for top tier medical device, pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
For the agenda, click here and for more information contact SEHTA events team.
Click here to book your place.
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MSc in Applied Health Research Scholarships
The Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS), University of Kent are offering three scholarships for part-time study only for the MSc in Applied Health Research. The scholarships are open to all eligible students for part-time study (entry September 2015 over academic years 2015/16 and 2016/17) and will cover tuition fees at the amount of £2,625 per year. If you are a Home/EU applicant the above amount will cover the tuition fees over the two years for the programme; for international students it will cover partially the tuition fees over the two years.
Closing date: Monday 1 June 2015
Interview date: Tuesday 16 June 2015
For more information please contact Kalli Glezakou.
Primary care and community health research in the south east
The Research Design Service South East wishes to form a network of primary and community health researchers across Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
We want to support researchers working in primary and community healthcare research.
We can provide advice with regards to funding opportunities, organise events and facilitate networking between researchers and research groups.
We’d greatly value your input. If you are involved in primary or community health research in the South East We would like to hear from you so that we can form a network and plan events to support primary care and community health researchers.
For more information please contact Dr Claire Roston, Senior Research Adviser.
Department of Health’s Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances (ACBS)
The ACBS is a Department of Health expert committee that advises the Secretary of State on the borderline substances (foodstuffs and cosmetic products) which are safe and suitable for NHS prescription in the community. It is responsible for advising approved prescribers on the prescribing of certain foodstuffs and cosmetic products that are specifically formulated for use as part of the clinical management of people in the community with specified medical conditions. ACBS advice takes the form of its ‘recommended list’ which is published as Part XV of the Drug Tariff.
The ACBS committee members include pharmacists, dieticians, paediatricians, GPs and dermatologists some of whom balance an academic career with their health professional role.
Click here for the full list of opportunities.
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