In this issue…
This month’s briefing has a particular focus on technology enhanced learning (TEL), which includes simulation, e-learning and the use of mobile applications to improve access to training and education.
Since we established our HEKSS TEL programme last year, we’ve made great strides in developing a more joined-up, strategic approach to the use of technology to develop the workforce of the future. You can read more below and on our website.
We recently held partnership council meetings, bringing together stakeholders in health and care across each of the counties in Kent, Surrey and Sussex to inform our work. A key outcome from the recent meetings was an agreement to review the workforce development needs of staff in health and justice so that we can ensure they are receiving appropriate support.
The last month also saw a meeting of our Governing Body. It included a very good discussion and debate around specialty medical training and the use of physician associates. We have agreed to carry out reviews in these areas to report back to the September governing body meeting, alongside workforce planning and education commission data, to inform our decision-making.
Governing body and partnership council meeting papers are available on our website.
Last week we held a very valuable workforce planning event to ensure we are commissioning the right numbers of new staff to meet future needs. More work is needed on this and I hope that all providers will give this work the executive-level attention that it requires.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best Wishes,
Next steps agreed to develop workforce and education plans
Healthcare providers and commissioners across Kent, Surrey and Sussex have agreed that further work is needed to develop next year’s workforce and education commission plans.
HEKSS brought together over 75 representatives of providers, commissioners and local authorities on 9 July to review the five-year workforce and education commission forecasts that trusts have submitted to HEKSS. The event aimed to sense-check the combined figures and ensure they meet the needs and expectations of commissioners.
New education commissions account for around 95% of the £5bn annual budget of Health Education England (HEE) and accurate and realistic forecasting is fundamental to ensure that the NHS has the right staff to meet future needs.
The event concluded with an agreement to hold further events for each of the three counties in early September to review revised data and forecasts.
For more information, please see the HEKSS website.
A year of progress in technology enhanced learning
Representatives from provider trusts and higher education institutions across Kent, Surrey and Sussex met earlier this month to review the progress of the HEKSS technology enhanced learning (TEL) programme.
The programme began in June 2013 and worked with stakeholders to establish a five-year strategy for developing the use of technology enhanced learning across the region.
The strategy aims to meet the needs of a multi-professional workforce in a changing health and social care environment, with a focus on patient safety, organisational collaboration and developing the skills and knowledge to underpin the HEKSS skills development strategy.
Over the last year the programme has supported 34 TEL projects. Attendees at the 2 July event received updates on some of these initiatives and shared their experience and ideas. Among the projects discussed was the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Children’s Simulation Centre (see below).
There is more information on the event, the programme and some of the initiatives underway on the HEKSS website.
Kent, Surrey and Sussex children’s simulation centre opens Brighton
A unique children’s simulation centre was opened at the Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in June. The centre, funded by HEKSS and led by Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, is a collaboration of nine organisations, including primary care, other acute trusts and education providers across the region.
In addition to the dedicated simulation centre, mobile simulation equipment and baby and child training mannequins will also be used for ward-based training and taken for outreach education in primary care and community settings.
Trainers are currently being trained, including doctors, nurses, paramedics and AHPs and this will be extended to include primary and community professionals.
HEE launches 30-day consultation on ‘Beyond Transition’ plans
HEE’s ‘Beyond Transition’ programme explores how it can ensure a sustainable future for the organisation, of which HEKSS is a part. HEE has launched a consultation to engage all staff and partners at a national and local level on it proposed changes.
The deadline for responses is 4 August 2014. Questions for stakeholders are in section 8 on page 15 of the consultation document which is available, along with background information and details of how to respond, on the HEE website.
Questions? Comments? Please contact us:
Phone: 0207 415 3400