KSS AHSN Newsletter – Hydration innovation (29 January 2015)

In this weeks’s edition…

Hydration innovation

Around 200 people a year die of dehydration or malnutrition in a care home or hospital. Dehydration is also implicated in falls, pressure ulcers, urinary tract infections and acute kidney injury. It’s estimated that proper hydration would save the NHS nearly £1 billion every year by reducing hospital admissions and helping guard against ill health.

NHS England’s Five Year Forward View (5YFV) sets the NHS the challenge of providing more support for frail older people living in care homes. Already one in six people aged 85 or over are living permanently in a care home. It’s a group of people growing in number and for whom the NHS and social care are not yet always providing the best care. This results in some people becoming permanent care home residents who might not have needed to. And a growing number of avoidable hospital admissions from hydration related causes.

5YFV proposes a new model for enhanced health in care homes. It sees a three-way partnership between care homes, the NHS and local authorities. This will lead to new shared models which “have been shown to improve quality of life, reduce hospital bed use by a third, and save significantly more than they cost”. It’s the only new model of care proposed in 5YFY that doesn’t require some degree of reconfiguration.


The health of older people living with frailty is a priority area for us. Care home residents are a significant number within this group. Our programmes will bring about better health and healthcare for care home residents, with less reliance on hospital services.

A key element to the work is hydration . We are supporting Dr Sarah O’Callaghan’s (Clinical Lead, NE Hants & Farnham CCG & Voluntary Hydration Facilitator at Frimley Park Hospital) work to reduce the number of people affected by dehydration in care homes across the patch and she will present her “Hydrate in care homes” project at our dementia collaborative next month. Academic evaluation of the project suggests that introducing “Hydration Champions into a home offers a fast and inexpensive means of highlighting hydration as one of the major factors care home staff need to be aware of every day”.

We are also working with Hydrate for Health who have a number of pilots taking place in Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Their “Hydrant” is a hands-free drinking system for people with limited mobility struggling to drink without help. Currently this work is at proof of concept stage, with data pre and post pilot being analysed to understand its capacity to improve health and well-being.

Seminar series

Our 2015 seminar series launched last week. A packed room heard from renowned organisation change and leadership development consultant Myron Rogers about how to implement innovation successfully. We’ll hold more seminars between now and July; watch this space for more details.

Kind regards
Guy Boersma
Managing Director, KSS AHSN

KSS Patient Safety Collaborative Kent launch: Thursday, 5 February 2015

[Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative]

Join the KSS Patient Safety Collaborative to hear about their plans so far and help them to design the programmes so they help you to achieve your priorities for patient safety. Registration is free, and a free buffet lunch is provided.

The event is open to anybody who has an interest in patient safety, including patients, carers, members of the public, health professionals, social care workers, academia and industry. If you would like to come along or would like to find out more, email us at psc@kssahsn.net

For further event information, please click here.

Kent County Council up for six top local government awards

[Kent County Council Media Hub]

The shortlist for the 2015 Local Government Chronicle (LGC) Awards has been announced with Kent County Council scooping six nominations:

  • Housing
  • Partnership
  • Driving Growth
  • Business Transformation
  • Efficiency
  • Kent County Council is also nominated in the Health and Social Care category for its work over two years, led by Public Health, in designing a system that can help towards evaluating joined up care for the frail elderly across the county.

Read more

The Health Foundation: Innovating for Improvement

[The Health Foundation]

The Health Foundation has £1.5m available for up to 20 teams to test and develop innovative ideas and approaches to improving health care delivery in the UK.

As part of their Innovating for Improvement programme they are looking for projects that aim to improve health care delivery and/or the way people manage their own health care through the redesign of processes, practices and services.

For further information and how to apply, please click here.

Save the date: Smart Care In Paediatrics Workshop 13th February 2015

[South East Health Technologies Alliance (SEHTA)]

Date: Friday 13th February 2015
Venue: Holiday Inn Gatwick, Povey Cross Road, Gatwick
Duration: 10:00 – 17:00
Cost: Free to attend

Places are limited so early booking essential

This event is for: Paediatricians, researchers, academics and health technology businesses with products/services applicable to paediatrics

For more information and to register, please click here.

Diabetes Professional Care Show: 11 – 12th November 2015

[South East Health Technologies Alliance (SEHTA)]

SEHTA Need Your Views! Enter the survey to win an iPad Mini

SEHTA is delighted to announce its partnership with Diabetes Professional Care – a totally new conference and exhibition designed by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals. This event will take place at the Barbican Exhibition Halls in London on 11th & 12th November 2015. Diabetes Professional Care will include a comprehensive conference programme featuring eight streams covering all aspects of diabetes care and research.

Please click here to be directed to the survey. For further event information, please click here.

NHS England’s Patient Online Webinars Series

[NHS England – Patient Online]

NHS England’s Patient Online team are hosting as series of webinars to support practices, CCGs and CSUs with implementing online services, appointments, repeat prescribing and records access; which is included in the GMS/PMS contracts. You can ask questions, learn from other practices and find out how to access support locally. The webinars will run twice-weekly, starting 21st January 2015 for 30-45 minutes.

For more information and registration, please click here.

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KAPCU Seminar programme

An Article Image

The Kent Academic Primary Care Unit is pleased to announce its confirmed seminar programme for 2015.
All seminars will take place between 1.30-3.00 and include a sandwich lunch.

Helping Patients to self-manage their long-term condition. Evidence-based approaches
Dr Kate Hamilton-West, University of Kent
Wednesday 25 March 2015, University of Kent’s Canterbury Campus
Abstract and flyer to follow

Dementia: muddling along?
Professor Steve Illife, University College London
Wednesday 10 June 2015, University of Kent’s Medway Campus

Telehealthcare for long-term conditions: hopes, hype and reality
Dr Hilary Pinnock, University of Edinburgh
Wednesday 23 September 2015, University of Kent’s Canterbury Campus

The contribution of physician assistants to primary care in England
Professor Vari Drennan, St Georges University of London
Wednesday 2 December 2015, University of Kent’s Medway Campus

Places are limited and available on a first come first served basis. To reserve your FREE place and for further information, please email Helen Wooldridge,

To download a pdf programme, please click here.

Who’s involved?
Professor Patricia Wilson

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Professor Michelle Garrett to Present Public Cancer Lecture

image MDG lectureKent Cancer trust has invited Professor Michelle Garrett from the School of Biosciences to present a public lecture on cancer research entitled:
‘Cancer research and treatment; past, present and future’

The date for the lecture is Wednesday 21st January at 19.00 in the Michael Berry Lecture Theatre (og46), Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University.

The lecture is open to all, everyone warmly invited to attend.

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Beating the burnout – 21 January 2015

In this weeks’s edition…

Beating the burnout

Dr Atul Gawande, 2014 Reith Lecturer, has some interesting things to say about identifying and closing gaps in care quality which we agree with and would like to share:

“Just because you have a roadmap doesn’t mean anybody’s going to follow it. There are barriers to overcome to achieve even the simplest step and those barriers change from place to place…In one health centre staff may not wash hands because they do not know it’s important. In another, because they simply have not made it their habit and no one cares.

“If no one cares to take the trouble to do things right, nothing changes. And the overwhelming message it sends to the people working at the frontlines of care around the world is that no-one notices excellence and no-one cares. That is the biggest source of burnout and discouragement for healthcare workers everywhere.”

Celebrating excellence

Last week the region’s first ever Expo and Awards took place, attended by over 450 people. It celebrated and showcased achievements in improving care quality, with a focus on innovation and collaboration.

Winner of the “Enhancing innovation through collaboration” was Sussex Community Trust for their Telehealth pilot working with a number of partners including Docobo, maker of Telehealth technology. The trust’s community matrons have been working in care homes and achieved a 75% drop in admissions amongst a group of care home residents.

Yesterday that success was prominent in The Guardian. Professor Sir Bruce Keogh spent several hours talking to exhibitors and delegates at Expo and in an interview published yesterday, he describes what he saw:

“The other day, on a visit to the Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network, I saw a device that looks a bit like a games console. It’s much easier for elderly people to use. They hold it with both hands and a little screen asks you questions such as ‘are you breathless?’, and they just press a button that says yes or no. While they are holding the device, it is measuring their heart rate and transmitting their ECG, among other things. It can also monitor changes in bodily fluid, which is an early sign of heart failure.”

It was fantastic to have the opportunity to bring the great work taking place in our region to the attention of national leaders. To see that now leading to national media coverage is testament to their commitment to the innovation agenda – and the high quality work they saw in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Kind regards
Guy Boersma
Managing Director, KSS AHSN

Patient Safety Collaborative safe discharge and transfer scoping workshop – 27 Jan 2015

[Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative]

The Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative is hosting a workshop to help develop the aims and objectives for the safe discharge and transfer workstream, and plan how the work could be implemented locally.

The workshop is open to anybody who has an interest in patient safety, discharge from hospital and transfer between clinical services, including patients, carers, members of the public, health professionals, social care workers, academia and industry.

For more information and registration, please click here.

Innovation Leader Training Programme 2015

[NHS England]

NHS England is providing 100 fully funded places to CCG members on this Innovation Skills Programme. Its core content is drawn from elements of the widely-recognised, CMI accredited, “Diploma in Innovation & Change Management” developed by NHS Innovations South West and Pera Training.

The training aims to help individuals facilitate culture change, improve innovation practice and generate successful innovations in their home organisations.

Further information and application form can be found on the NHS England Innovation Exchange portal.

The Health Foundation: Innovating for Improvement

[(The Health Foundation)]

The Health Foundation has £1.5m available for up to 20 teams to test and develop innovative ideas and approaches to improving health care delivery in the UK.

As part of their Innovating for Improvement programme they are looking for projects that aim to improve health care delivery and/or the way people manage their own health care through the redesign of processes, practices and services.

For further information and how to apply, please click here.

Save the date: Smart Care In Paediatrics Workshop 13th February 2015

[South East Health Technologies Alliance (SEHTA)]

Date: Friday 13th February 2015
Venue: Holiday Inn Gatwick, Povey Cross Road, Gatwick
Duration: 10:00 – 17:00
Cost: Free to attend

Places are limited so early booking essential

This event is for: Paediatricians, researchers, academics and health technology businesses with products/services applicable to paediatrics

For more information and to register, please click here.

Access to Seven Day Services Workshop NHS England South East Sub-Region

[NHS Improving Quality and NHS England]

Tuesday, 17 March 2015 from 09:30 to 16:00 Gatwick, United Kingdom

NHS Improving Quality and NHS England are holding a series of events in the South of England to help local health economies plan to deliver access to seven day services, in line with the requirements set out in ‘The Forward View into action: planning for 2015/6’.

For more information and registration, please click here.

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New hope for understanding sudden cardiac arrest

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a genetic condition that one in 500 people carry and is a leading cause of sudden cardiac arrest in young athletes. The footballer Fabrice Muamba famously collapsed during a match when his heart suddenly stopped. Although he was eventually resuscitated, he is now unable to play football competitively and has a chest implant to restart his heart.

Now a team led by Dr Neil Kad, Lecturer in Molecular Biophysics at the School of Biosciences, has managed to identify for the first time at the single molecule level how heart muscle is turned on and off by calcium.

By understanding how the heart is regulated by calcium, the research team has set the ground for greater insight into how the heart is affected when specific components are mutated during disease.

Using this new approach, the researchers were able to identify how the motors (myosins) within muscle talk to each other along the long protein tracks (thin filaments). They found that two motor heads are required to turn on a thin filament segment as regulatory unit. Once activated, this regulatory unit was found to be capable of accommodating 11 further myosin motors.

To date, all treatments for sudden cardiac arrest target the symptoms of this disease. The findings from this study are expected to provide new tools for research into treating the causes of the condition, rather than only the symptoms.

The research, titled Using Fluorescent Myosin to Directly Visualize Cooperative Activation of Thin Filaments (Dr Neil Kad, Professor Michael Geeves, University of Kent; and Rama Desai, Imperial College London) will be published in the 23 January issue of the Journal of Biological Chemistry , where it has been selected as paper of the week. For paper click here.

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Examining the impact of the Health and Social Care Act Research seminar examining developments in the English health system 2013-15

Thursday 26th March 2015
10am to 4pm, Friends Meeting House, Euston, London.

You are invited to a seminar being organised by the Policy Research Unit in commissioning and the Healthcare System. The aim of the idea is to discuss current commissioning policy in England including:

  • Current policy developments
  • Reporting findings from PRUComm research on:
    • Clinical Commissioning Groups
    • The new public health system
    • Contracting in the NHS
    • Competition and co-operation in the English health system
  • A view from the front line
  • Performance and governance issues

This event is free and RSVP by 28th February to:

Avril Porter
Department of Health Services Research and Policy
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
15-17 Tavistock Place
Tel: 0207 927 2224
Email: Avril.Porter@lshtm.ac.uk

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£3.5 million for ‘world leading’ bioscientists

£3.5 million for ‘world leading’ bioscientists – University of Kent

Such cells are key to driving forward the UK’s knowledge-based bioeconomy (KBBE) through a combination of basic and strategic research aimed at improving cellular productivity and the synthesis of fine chemicals and biotherapeutics.

The research, led by Professor Martin Warren and his team at the University’s School of Biosciences, is one of five projects to be recognised by the BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) as part of its Strategic Longer and Larger Grants (sLoLaS) scheme.

Professor Warren’s five-year research programme will engineer new ways of reorganising the internal metabolic machinery of cells.

The team hopes to build ‘micro-factories’ inside cells that will be able to produce useful and valuable molecules, such as pharmaceuticals, without intoxicating the cells. The overall aim of the project is to increase bacterial metabolic efficiency through the ergonomic design of specific intracellular compartments. This involves the use of cutting-edge technology in synthetic biology to tackle the redesign of the bacterial cytoplasm to accommodate the inclusion of bespoke self-contained mini-bioreactors.

This research will provide an important edge for UK biotechnology companies, existing and new, through the provision of greater productivity and new molecules, peptides and proteins for a number of purposes, including the development of fine chemical and protein-based drugs.

Professor Warren, who is receiving the largest grant (£3.484 million) among the five university beneficiaries, said that support for his research was ‘exciting’ and would help keep the University of Kent at the forefront of synthetic biology, resulting in strong interaction with industry.

Other beneficiaries of the total BBSRC £15.8 million funding include the universities of Oxford (£3.041 million), Manchester (£2.990 million) and Glasgow (£2.922 million). The BBSRC awards the grants to give ‘world-leading teams the time and resources to address major challenges’.

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January 2015 Stakeholder Briefing

In this Issue…


Happy new year.

HEKSS ended 2014 with a very productive governing body meeting where we agreed on several significant new pieces of work for 2015, including developing a physician associate programme for the region and the creation of new county-level workforce summits. Please see below for more information on both of these initiatives.

Late last year we also held the leadership collaborative’s annual leadership summit. It was both thought-provoking and inspiring in equal measure, highlighting just how much more we need to do to put patients at the heart of services while celebrating examples of excellent leadership demonstrated by a wide range of health and care staff across the region. Congratulations to all those who were shortlisted.

We are now finalising our next major event – our second ‘The Sound of the Student & Trainee Voice’ conference to be held in February. Places are limited, so do book soon and encourage colleagues or students who may be interested in attending to do the same. More information on both of these events, and a link to the leadership award winners, is below.

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working with you in 2015 as we continue to develop the workforce to improve health and care.

Best wishes,
Philippa Spicer

HEKSS establishes new county-wide workforce summits with first held in Kent

The HEKSS governing body has agreed to replace the quarterly County Partnership Councils with workforce summits in each county three times each year, following consultation with partnership council members and a successful first event in Kent. The summits will support the development of system-wide workforce planning to support service transformation.

While partnership councils have been effective in building relationships with health and care providers and commissioners, local authorities and education institutions, the move to workforce summits aims to bring together the right mix of senior leaders to ensure a focus on tangible outcomes.

The Kent workforce summit, held on 28 November, was attended by 35 stakeholders representing 17 different organisations. Attendees explored the aggregated workforce forecasts for the county and projected population needs in the context of system leadership, integration and challenges such as seven-day services and their impact on education and training. The resulting action plans include further work on embedding human factors, developing leadership skills at all levels and opportunities for training in partnership with social care.

HEKSS will be working with stakeholders in each of the three counties to facilitate the new workforce summits.

Region-wide physician associate programme board established

HEKSS has established a programme board to support the development of physician associates across the region.

There has been growing interest in the potential for physician associates – non-medical graduates who can carry out specific delegated tasks under the supervision of a doctor – to address skills shortages, for example in urgent and emergency care.

HEKSS organised a seminar in September to explore the issue and attendees heard from Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust which has successfully introduced physician associates to support care of the elderly. A number of important considerations emerged, including the barriers to international recruitment, and the need not to exacerbate existing workforce shortages by, for example, recruiting physician associates from current nursing staff. It is anticipated that recruitment will be drawn from science graduates.

The programme board will involve interested NHS providers and higher education institutions across the region and work with relevant national organisations, to co-ordinate the development of a physician associate education programme to meet local needs. The work is being sponsored by Michael Wilson, Chief Executive of Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.

Brighton and Sussex Medical School, the University of Surrey, Canterbury Christ Church University and the University of Kent have agreed to work together in the design, development and delivery of a unified curriculum. It is expected that the education programme will be available from September 2015.

Leadership collaborative annual summit and awards

Nearly 300 people attended the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Leadership Collaborative’s annual summit and awards in November. The conference focused on patient leadership and the power of patient stories – recognising that we are all patients and relatives ourselves – and was a day of stories, conversations and connections.

The line up of inspiring speakers included Julie Bailey, founder of Cure the NHS, Roger Kline, co-director of Patients First and Mark Doughty, co-founder of the Centre for Patient Leadership.

Closing the day, Fiona Edwards, Chief Executive of Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and chair of the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Leadership Collaborative, said: “This has been great day but a challenging one, recognising how much we’ve achieved but how much more there is still to do. It is important that as leaders we hold things in balance, recognising and celebrating success while hearing and holding the hurt and accepting the challenge to learn and improve when things go wrong.”

The awards celebrated examples of excellent leadership demonstrated by health and care staff across the region who have brought the NHS values to life in their relationships with their peers, patients, families and carers.

For more information on the event and award winners, please visit http://www.kssleadership.nhs.uk/summit-awards.

Further details of The Sound of the Student & Trainee Voice conference released

HEKSS has released further details of its second ‘The Sound of the Student & Trainee Voice’ conference to be held in February 2015. The event is for learners from the world of health and social care, allied health professionals and support staff, their educators and teachers and the organisations within with they work.

Plenary sessions include:
• Dementia challenge – fellowship and beyond
• Getting the emergency and acute pathway right
• NHS 111 – joining the numbers
• The learner’s voice through cinema.
There will also be a marketplace exhibition and a selection of workshops including using the learner’s voice to improve safety; what makes an excellent placement; integrating health and social care education; and eliminating undermining for learners.
Spaces are limited, so early booking is advised. Please visit the event pages for more information.

HEKSS reviews 52 Innovation Challenge Fund entries

Fifty-two proposals were submitted for the HEKSS Innovation Challenge Fund from a wide range of health and care providers across Kent, Surrey and Sussex. The initiative was established to accelerate the introduction of new approaches to training and education that will enable health and care professionals to deliver better, more efficient care for patients.

Working with the HEKSS research and innovation programme board and Kent, Surrey and Sussex Academic Health Science Network, there is now an opportunity for five innovation proposals to be embedded as part of existing HEKSS work programmes.

The selected projects will support priority areas identified in the HEKSS skills development strategy including primary care; emergency care; dementia; compassion and patient safety; and children and young people. The Innovation Challenge is a key part of the HEKSS research, innovation and evaluation strategy to identify and support the education needs of the future workforce.

Chris Loughlan, HEKSS Head of Research, Innovation and Evaluation, said: “We would like to thank everyone who entered. We’ve had a tremendous response which reflects that a positive culture of innovation across the health community is abundant across the region. We look forward to working with the successful teams.”

Questions? Comments? Please get in touch:
Phone: 0207 415 3400
Web: www.kss.hee.nhs.uk
Email: heksscommunications@kss.hee.nhs.uk

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KSS AHSN Newsletter – 6 January 2015

In this weeks’s edition…

View, guidance, action

Important guidance setting out steps to be taken during 2015/16 to start delivering the NHS Five Year Forward View has recently been published. Its authors include NHS England, Monitor, the NHS Trust Development Authority, the Care Quality Commission, Public Health England and Health Education England.

The Forward View into action: planning for 2015/16, aims to establish a firm foundation for longer term transformation of the NHS. It includes a new support package for GPs, plans to improve illness prevention, and new access and treatment standards for mental health services.

Among the highlights it details how £480 million of £1.98 billion additional investment will be used to support transformation in primary care, mental health and local health economies. It also describes how the NHS will accelerate innovation to become a world-leader in genomic and genetic testing, medicine optimisation and testing and evaluating new ideas and techniques.

Step change

There are a number of significant areas in which our services support delivery of the 2015/16 steps.

NHS England will invite UK and international innovators to bid to develop test bed sites to sit alongside and enable new models of care. These innovators will work in collaboration to bring new care, services and treatments to more patients faster.

For example, AHSNs (and, in some parts of the country, Academic Health Science Centres) will partner with statutory, voluntary and private sector organisations. They will focus on deploying and evaluating the impact of different technologies and innovations working in combination. More details are expected in March 2015.

Expo and Awards 2015

The region’s first ever combined healthcare innovation Expo and Awards is next week – January 13 at Lancaster London Hotel. There’s literally a handful of tickets left, so if you haven’t got one yet you’ll need to be quick if you want to hear from a number of illustrious speakers including:

  • Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, Medical Director, NHS England
  • Dr Mike Durkin, Director of Patient Safety, NHS England
  • Professor Ben Bridgewater, Director of Outcomes Publication, HQIP
  • Neil Churchill, Improving Patient Experience Director, NHS England.

Further information and ticketing information is available here. I look forward to seeing you there!

The secrets of successful innovation

Our 2015 series of free innovation seminars begins on 21 January at the Sofitel Hotel, Gatwick. Myron Rogers, a global thought leader on whole systems, will be speaking about “Innovation – how to implement successfully”. Tickets are almost all gone, so if you want to start the new year with some fresh thinking and expertise, book a place now by clicking here.


I’d like to offer our congratulations to Andrew Morris, Chief Executive of Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust who was knighted in the New Year’s Honours list for services to the NHS and to our non-executive director Dr Anna Van Der Gaag who received a CBE. Anna is Chair of the Health and Care Professions Council and the award recognises her services to health and care.

With best wishes for 2015
Guy Boersma
Managing Director, KSS AHSN

Save the date: Smart Care In Paediatrics Workshop- Gatwick, 13 February

[South East Health Technologies Alliance (SEHTA)]

This free event is for paediatricians, researchers, academics and health technology businesses with products/services applicable to paediatrics

For more information and to register, please click here.

NICE Public Board Meeting and NICE Question Time – Maidstone, 21 January

[National Institute for Health and Care Excellence]

Every two months the NICE Board holds its meeting in a different venue to ensure people interested in its work can hear about the latest developments and question the Board about policy. Attendees will have an opportunity to put their questions to David Haslam, Chair at NICE in a question time session before the main Board meeting.

For more information and details, please click here.

New training for in-house improvement capability

[NHS Improving Quality]

NHS Improving Quality’s Advancing Change team has developed a new ‘train-the-trainer’ programme based on their Quality Service Improvement and Redesign Programme. The aim of the programme is to help NHS organisations build in-house improvement capability and skills.

Closing date for applications is 16 January. For more information, please click here.

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KSS AHSN Newsletter – 19 December 2014

In this weeks’s edition…

Transformation, transformation, transformation!

The 100,000 Genomes Project aims to make the population of the UK the most g-mapped in the world. It offers the prospect of personalised drug regimes transforming killer illnesses into manageable long term conditions for many.

KSS and South London AHSN members feature in the Genomic Network Alliance bid to transform care for patients in south London and the south east.

Affording advances

But the public finances will have to be transformed too, in order for these and other medical advances emanating from Life Science’s R&D pipelines to ever become affordable. The national debt is rising, despite reductions in public spending that mean 25% fewer people receiving state-funded social care compared to four years ago. Further spending cuts will follow as a result of yesterday’s budget settlement for Local Authorities.


In the meantime, the NHS has received a £2 billion “downpayment” on the £8 billion baseline funding increase sought for the NHS in England to enable combinatorial innovation and service transformation in high volume health and social care services.

New models of care are being developed and introduced, designed to maintain independence, improve patient experience and reduce secondary care expenditure: the One Call One Team in West Sussex, North West Surrey CCG’s Integrated Locality Hubs supported by Radcliffe Lisk and others at Ashford and St Peter’s Hospitals, and the integrated care that Natalie Penfold is involved in from Kent Community Health in Thanet – all recognised at the recent KSS Leadership Collaborative awards.

Older people’s programme

To support vanguard sites and catalyse wider transformation in the care of older people living with frailty, we have consulted upon and are investing in a new programme focused on improving the health and wellbeing of older people. Too often they experience preventable emergency hospital admission. Too many, who wished to die at home, die in hospital. And many more struggle to find the right care from our complicated system.

We are bringing together the best of industry, academia, health and social care to help older people live well at home for longer, by reducing reliance on hospital based care.

2015 innovation seminars begin in January

Our 2015 series of free innovation seminars begins next month. They are open events, free to all to attend and designed to strengthen collaboration between industry, academia, health, and social care. The seminars are organised by us with the Health and Europe Centre, and the NHS KSS Leadership Collaborative.

The first is on 21 January at the Sofitel Hotel, Gatwick. Myron Rogers, a global thought leader on whole systems, will be speaking about “Innovation – how to implement successfully”. For further details and to register for this event please click here

Kindest regards,
Guy Boersma
Managing Director, KSS AHSN

Save the dates – Patient Safety Collaborative events in January

The Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative (KSS PSC) will be hosting a series of launch events and scoping workshops across the region in early 2015…

The workshops will help us to develop the aims and objectives for each of our clinical workstreams, and to plan how the work could be implemented locally.

For more information and details, please click here.

Read all about it! New Patient Safety Collaborative Bulletin hits the shelves

The latest edition of the Kent Surrey Sussex Patient Safety Collaborative Bulletin is now available on the PSC section of the website.

You can also get the latest PSC news on Twitter: @KSSPSC

Read more

Ready Now Programme

[NHS Leadership Academy]

This innovative, inspirational positive action programme from the NHS Leadership Academy is going to enhance your skills, knowledge and ability to succeed. It’s a game changer.

There are taught elements, self-taught elements, group work, psychometric instruments, psychodynamic processes, experiential learning and a constantly evolving range of approaches to support your success. Applications close 4 January 2015.

For more information and details, please click here.

CSH Surrey Clinical NED Vacancy

[CSH Surrey]

CSH Surrey is in search of a Clinical Non-Executive Director. The post is 2-3 days/ month and requires some-one with a clinical qualification to provide input at Board level as well as to chair the Integrated Governance Committee.

Please contact Sam Scarrott on 0208 394 3840 or sam.scarrott@nhs.net to arrange. Closing date 9 January 2015.

QSIR train the trainer programme: for in-house improvement capability

[NHS Improving Quality]

The new Quality Service Improvement and Redesign (QSIR) ‘Train the Trainer’ programme is an exciting development for 2015.

It is a fantastic opportunity to develop people within your own organisation or system to spread the required skills and knowledge through a tried and tested learning and development programme. The closing date for applications for places on the programme is January 16 2015.

For more information, further details and application, click here.

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