Author Archives: Richard Barber

Long Term Care in Europe – Improvements in Policy and Practice

New book co-edited by Jenny Billings of the Centre for Health Services Studies This book challenges the prevailing discourse centred on the problems of demographic change and long-term care provision for older people by focusing on solutions emerging from progression … Continue reading

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Making social care funding work for disabled adults in England

Five charities have got together to write a report on the care crisis facing disabled adults in England. This report was put together with the input of PSSRU staff comprising of Jose-Luis Fernandez, Tom Snell, Julien Forder and Raphael Wittenberg, … Continue reading

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Personal Health Budgets Pilot Programme conferences announced

PSSRU are organising two conferences, one in London and one in York, titled “Personalisation in the health care system: Evaluation of the Personal Health Budgets Pilot Programme”. For more information and to register, please see the link. Link:

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Structural insights into targets for tumour imaging and therapy

Dr. Mark Howard, Reader in Biological NMR Spectroscopy, comments on a recently published article that features work from his research group and other collaborators at Kent and elsewhere. “Our research involves nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, a scientific method that can … Continue reading

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Research study investigates human cardiac myosin function

Mike Geeves, Professor of Physical Biochemistry in the School of Biosciences, comments on a research article published recently featuring work from his laboratory. “Myosin is the motor protein that drives cardiac muscle contraction and blood circulation.  Mutations in myosin cause … Continue reading

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Computer simulation promotes understanding of fundamental biological processes

Computer simulations are emerging as useful tools to study how cellular molecules form networks, thereby creating the processes of life. Dr. Tobias von der Haar, working in collaboration with expert computer scientists from the School of Computing at the University … Continue reading

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University of Kent and East Kent Hospital collaboration highlighted at US Conference

Dr Mohamed Sakel recently attended the 2012 Conference of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM) and presented 3 original research papers involving collaboration between the East Kent Hospitals University NHS Trust and the Schools of Psychology and Engineering & … Continue reading

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Leading Edge

Let me share the latest good news straight away. Across Kent and Medway, Surrey and Sussex all NHS Trusts are now reporting 100% NHS compliance with NICE Technology Appraisals (TAs). Compliance is a good thing for patients. It is also … Continue reading

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License Panel

License panel This week we had our interview with the AHSN Licensing Panel which was chaired by Sir Alan Langlands, CE of the Higher Education Funding Council for England. It included Peter Ellingworth CE ABHI; Dr Russell Hamilton, NIHR; Sir … Continue reading

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Prof Murphy appointed Chair of the NICE Guideline Development Group

We are delighted to announce that Prof Glynis Murphy (Co-Director and Professor of Clinical Psychology & Disability at the Tizard Centre) has been appointed to the prestigious position of Chair of the NICE Guideline Development Group for Challenging Behaviour in … Continue reading

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