Author Archives: Richard Barber

Helping parents to plan the best palliative care

CHSS Reader in Applied Health Research Jenny Billings, is leading a project to evaluate a palliative care tool developed with Kent and Medway Children and Young People’s (KMCYP) Palliative Care Network. The Advance Care Plan Tool allows families to plan … Continue reading

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Palliative and end of life research

Coordinating end of life care Patients with incurable illness in the last months of life need access to a range of services, but evidence shows that currently these are poorly coordinated, with both duplication of and gaps in care. CHSS … Continue reading

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Facing the future – a new model of integrated care for dementia

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt recently placed dementia care at the forefront of Government plans for the NHS, calling for improved care and announcing £50m in targeted funding. There are 670,000 people in the UK diagnosed with dementia and numbers are predicted to rise by 150% over the next four … Continue reading

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NEWS RELEASE: Time perception altered by mindfulness meditation

New published research from psychologists at the universities of Kent and Witten/Herdecke has shown that mindfulness meditation has the ability to temporarily alter practitioners’ perceptions of time – a finding that has wider implications for the use of mindfulness both … Continue reading

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PRESS RELEASE: Student named national cancer charity’s top volunteer

An exceptional University of Kent student who steered the student-led group Kent Marrow to sign up over 100 people to the national bone marrow donor register has been named as a top volunteer by blood cancer charity Anthony Nolan. Katy … Continue reading

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Respiratory Clinic Launch: Tuesday 14 May

Tuesday 14 May,2013 marked the official launch for the University’s Respiratory Clinic at the School of Exercise and Sports Science which was hosted by Dr John Dickinson and his team at Medway Park Sports Centre. The event showcased how the … Continue reading

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PRESS RELEASE – University of Kent founder member of new academic health science network

The University of Kent has been chosen by the NHS to be a founder member of a new Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) for Kent, Surrey and Sussex. NHS England announced on 23 May, 2013 that it was establishing 15 … Continue reading

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PRESS RELEASE – Bioscientist helps explain the madness of King George III

University of Kent bioscientist Professor Martin Warren will showcase his research into what caused the madness of George III when he speaks at an event to celebrate the anniversary of the king’s 275th birthday. Professor Warren, who is Head of … Continue reading

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Launch of the Applied Dental Professional Practice Pathway of the Advanced and Specialist Healthcare MSc

The Centre of Professional Practice is delighted to announce the launch of the Applied Dental Professional Practice pathway in the Advanced and Specialist Healthcare MSc programme, commencing in September 2013. This pathway has been especially designed to meet the needs … Continue reading

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PRESS RELEASE – Revealed: how enamel protects children’s teeth

A new study has revealed that children’s teeth are protected from damage during chewing by variation in enamel thickness along the tooth row. In a paper published by the American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Dr Patrick Mahoney, Lecturer in Biological … Continue reading

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