Week Four

Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/health-news-events/2015/08/03/week-4/feed/?withoutcomments=1

I was only office based for two days this week. Operation Stack has been really bad! I did manage to get in one day, to find out that they were shutting my route home, so the ladies in the office made everyone from the Maidstone area head for home! The rest of the week I worked from home so that I wasn’t spending time sitting in traffic.

This week I wrote the introduction and method sections for the study Jo and I are conducting. I’ve had to try and learn about interpretive phenomenological analysis; I’ve got quite a few questions for when I next meet with Jo! There wasn’t a focus group this week as Jo was away on holiday, so I didn’t have any transcribing to do. Instead I spent the time thinking of ways that the project could be expanded in the future, which Jo and I will go through when I see her next.

I mainly focused on my presentation that’s coming up soon. I will be attending the research interest group at Trinity, Ashford and explain the study we are conducting, the issues we’ve come across and how we’ve overcome them. I’ve now finished my PowerPoint (spent quite a lot of time finding pictures!) and have written a script to learn too. Must admit I am quite nervous to present this, but it’ll be good practice for any conferences we are able to present at. When I was looking for bits to add to my presentation, I came across a really good youtube clip that I think explains evidence based practice in a very simple way. I’ve put the link at the end of the blog, I’d definitely recommend watching it.

This week seems to have flown by, I can’t believe that I’m half way through my placement already!

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