Welcome to issue 10 of KSS Leadership News. This month has been all about planning for the year ahead for us here at the Collaborative. We also held our most recent round of Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Assessment Centres, thank you to all those who were involved! Earlier this month, we received details of our 2015 intake GMTS Trainees and have now been able to allocate them to suitable placements. Read on to find out more about our recent events and upcoming opportunities.
- Apply to be part of the next cohort of the Director Programme
- Find out more about the new Edward Jenner Programme launching soon!
- Read the NHS Leadership publication on the importance of trust for effective and inclusive leadership
Attention all KSS Coaches – Coaching Supervision Available!
All active coaches should engage in two supervisions a year. This is being offered as a mixture of 1:1 and group supervision to allow some flexibility in the system.
KSS Leadership Collaborative have commissioned Robin Shohet to provide four sessions of Group Coaching Supervision to support activity. This will take place at Crawley Hospital, West Sussex. Click here for details of the group sessions available. 1:1 Supervision will be facilitated by Denise Harris and Jane Hubble. Please feel free to contact them at jhubble@kssleadership.nhs.uk and denise.harris2@nhs.net should you wish to engage in 1:1 supervision now.
Healthcare Leadership Model Update
The Healthcare Leadership Model 360 Feedback Facilitator training in Tunbridge Wells on 6th May was a success and a further 6 colleagues from across the patch qualified as feedback facilitator’s. The next opportunity to train as a HLM 360 feedback facilitator is on 7th August 2015 in West Sussex. We are also offering a half-day training conversion in July (date and venue tbc) to enable facilitators currently trained in the old model to convert to the new HLM 360. If you are interest in either of these training opportunities please contact gzelent@kssleadership.nhs.uk
KSSLC are committed to supporting our facilitators remain qualified by co-ordinating feedback requests from our partner organisations and providing facilitators with the opportunity to participate in 2 feedback sessions per annum. Organisations are encouraged to contact the Collaborative if considering the HLM 360 so we can advise appropriately. We have recently agreed to connect our network of facilitators with the London Leadership Academy to offer greater access to facilitators across both geographies. Further collaborative planning includes shared networking and learning events. There is currently an open invitation to join us in London for an HLM Networking Event on 8th June 2015. If you have not yet registered your interest in attending please do so asap by contacting gzelent@kssleadership.nhs.uk
Join us for our next KSS OD Network Meeting, 16 June 2015
Our next OD workshop will take place on the 16th June from 12.45pm in the Crawley area. This session will focus on how to create and embed coaching and mentoring into your Culture/ System. The session will cover numerous OD aspects, such as how to build coaching into every day conversations and performance management systems. Additionally, the presenter intends to spend time on what impact effective coaching conversations can have on the patient experience linking the session to “Every contact counts” and health coaching.
If you are interested in finding out more or would like to register your interest in attending, please email us.
E-Learning Module In Depth: Delivering Effective Feedback Using Emotional Intelligence
We offer a suite of free-to-access leadership and management development e-learning modules available to staff who work in organisations which provide or support NHS healthcare across Kent, Surrey & Sussex. We look in depth at each of these modules over the coming months. This month we will look at the Delivering Effective Feedback Using Emotional Intelligence.
Feedback at work happens all the time, whether through a formal feedback session, a training course, or a chat over a cup of coffee. Feedback is not a ‘one-way sGrovet’, it is very much a two way process – one person giving feedback and one person receiving it – where the focus should be on a positive end-result.
As a manager, giving and receiving feedback is an investment in ensuring that everyone is performing to their strengths.
This module allows you to identify the key skills of giving and receiving feedback.
By the end of this e-learning module, you will be able to:
- Identify the key skills of giving and receiving feedback
- Understand the key communication skills required to use feedback
- Identify how Emotional Intelligence plays a crucial role in the feedback process
Understand how feedback impacts on individual and team dynamics To complete this module and find out what else is available, click here.