Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/health-news-events/2014/08/29/data-analysis-week-8/feed/?withoutcomments=1
This week I really became one with Microsoft Excel to analyse the final data as I added, formalized, multiplied and filtered the data. In the end there was a total of 472 entries although there were less cases in 2012 which we have assumed is because some evaluation sheets are missing. Despite this fact, the data from 2012 and 2013 seem to steadily correlate with the previous years in terms of gender and age distribution, the number of weeks HTS were involved with clients and how many professionals worked per case. Data slightly fluctuated in reference to client location and mental health beds but this correlates with the aims of the HTS taken on within the two years where they aimed to help more clients out of mental health beds or prevented them for being placed in them in the first place. My preferred method of displaying the data was pie-charts whilst I used tables to compare the recent data with the last 5 previous years, I also met with David regularly so we could discuss the data and identify trends or patterns we found interesting. Next week we will start to finalize the data and prepare for the official report to be completed!
See you soon,