Feed URL: https://blogs.kent.ac.uk/health-news-events/2015/08/17/week-six/feed/?withoutcomments=1
I have spent the majority of this week finalising the literature review; I’ve gone through and updated different references to make them as recent as possible. I have also come across some more journals which needed adding into my review; there does seem to be an endless amount of research that I want to include! I have also added two tables; one summarising barriers and one facilitators. It does help to make it clearer to read and I must admit when I went back through to make the summaries it did surprise me how many barriers and facilitators there are! Next week I will be editing my tables to split them into themes; hopefully this should make it clearer still. In addition to the tables I am adding a diagram to explain the relationship between practice and evidence.
On Wednesday we had the focus group at Trinity (my base). After a concerning start the number of participants did pick up and we were able to conduct the group. After the group Jo and I had a longer meeting than normal. We went through even more ideas for future research; the project really is snowballing! Jo also showed me how to use Open Athens effectively; it’s a database of different ways to access journals and, although I find it a bit more tricky to work my way around than the University journals, I am picking it up quickly and am accessing even more journals (meaning there’s even more to add!).
Wednesday afternoon consisted of the research interest group where I had to give my presentation. Although I was really nervous before hand, I actually felt quite confident when I started talking. I only presented to about 20 people, but it’s a good starting point for the conferences we hope to speak at. I was asked a lot of questions and could answer all of them! The rest of the research interest group went really well; we had a speaker from Kent Health and a brief discussion about the upcoming research conference. Jo and I will be applying to present at the Research Conference; it’s the 24th September in Maidstone and is open to all NHS staff.
On a side note, I have now realised that the study is no longer simply a 9-5 job for me and is a genuine interest. In fact I have now found a couple of nursing ‘magazine-style’ journals, Nursing Standard and Nursing Times, which can be purchased at WHSmith and Sainsbury’s that I am finding very interesting.