Collaboration for new ideas
Providing “industry with clear points of access to the NHS” is what the government’s life sciences strategy requires of AHSNs. This means creating opportunities that enable the best new ideas to be spread and adopted across Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS). Critical to this is the development of access points to KSS wide networks that are able to clearly articulate their challenges from patient, provider and commissioner perspectives and are willing to explore and develop ideas with new partners.
Earlier in the month, we acted on this, working with SEHTA to hold a launch event for the COPD Small Business Research Initiative. We brought together respiratory network clinical leaders and 30 companies keen to develop and introduce innovations to improve outcomes for people living with COPD and deliver better value for money from Health and social care budgets.
The success of the day is guiding our innovation service development work, which is on course to launch in quarter 4. Taking COPD as an example, key characteristics of the service will include:
- Writing and issuing a challenge from commissioners, patients, providers and/or clinical networks to industry outlining the current situation and where improvements are sought for people living with COPD
- Hosting an event for innovators to meet respiratory clinicians and others in search of the best new innovations, to better understand the current situation and areas where improvement is sought locally
- Running a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style selection process where those looking for new innovations select the best company ideas
- Matching up the companies with the best ideas to the most appropriate clinical, managerial and commercial advisors from our pool of advisors and mentors
- Agreeing and delivering a tailored package of support to take the best ideas through to widespread adoption.
To quote from innovation, health and wealth, we are creating “…a system for innovation that continually scans for new ideas and takes them through to widespread adoption.”
In quarter 4 we will launch the service by coordinating the development of a written dementia challenge from health and social care to industry. In the new financial year we plan to run further challenges. The most successful will be those where there is a committed and energetic commissioner / provider / clinical network that is keen to take forward Industry’s best ideas to widespread adoption. If this sounds like you and your patch we would like to talk further with you. In the first instance contact me.
KSS AHSN seminar: effective collaboration in the Netherlands
Finally I just wanted to give you a quick reminder that on 6 November we host our second overseas guest speaker in a session supported by The Health and Europe Centre.
Jean Gelissen from Philips and Health and Wellbeing Leader at EIT ICT Labs in the Netherlands, will share his experience of building effective collaborations between industry, academia, health and social care.
For more information please contact Amy Semple at The Health and Europe Centre.
Kind regards,
Guy Boersma
Managing Director
Avoidable emergency admissions
This report from our Quality Watch programme, in partnership with the Health Foundation, explores patterns of emergency admissions across England for people with ambulatory care sensitive conditions. It uses an anonymised record of all hospital admissions in England between April 2001 and March 2013; nearly 200 million episodes of care. Ambulatory care sensitive admissions are potentially avoidable and make up one in five of every emergency admission.
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Physical activity the key to a healthier NHS
This report from the Nuffield Trust, in partnership with The Health Foundation, finds that GPs are 46 times more likely to prescribe medication than explore medically proven alternative options, like exercise.
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How to get better value health care for patients
This report outlines the opportunities which are available to deliver better care and close the financial gap.
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Survey of public perceptions of the NHS and social care
Findings of the survey of public perceptions of the NHS and social care.
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