Need to de-stress? Come along to some Bushcraft & Nature Awareness workshops – running every Monday starting 20th May for 4 weeks.
During these workshops you will discover useful out-door skills, have plenty of hands-on experience of these valuable earth-living skills and the discover the therapeutic value of connecting with nature.
Some of the skills covered will include foraging and wild cookery, camp-fire lighting, survival shelter building, use of tools and whittling. And therapeutic nature awareness, getting up close and personal to nature.
You can attend all four workshops or pick and choose the ones for you! CLICK HERE to reserve your free place
For all workshops please meet in Keynes Atrium at 9.45am to walk to the Community Oasis Garden and start at 10am There will be a lunch break at 1pm, please bring a packed lunch or some cash to buy something (Woodys is the nearest food outlet to the Oasis Community Garden & there is also Park Wood Shop).
Day One 20th May 10am – 4pm
Bushcraft Skills and Therapeutic Nature Awareness Day
On your first day you will discover how to build a Survival Debris Shelter. How to easily construct a water-proof Survival Shelter from natural materials. Where best to site it and what to avoid. A very valuable skill and the first priority in a survival situation.
We will look at what trees are useful for bushcraft and ideal for whittling and then you will be guided how to whittle yourself a useful utensil.
Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to relax and feel a sense of renewal and we will spend some time connecting and having fun experiencing nature in a new engaging way.
Day Two 27th May 10am – 4pm
Foraging, Camp-fire lighting and cooking a wild-food taster and deepening your nature connection.
Foraging is very fashionable these days but more importantly it is a very useful skill to know. But before one goes rushing out into the countryside its important to know what Not to forage, what is SAFE to eat and HOW to eat it.
On this day you will discovering what edible wild foods grow within the Oasis gardens and what wild plants to avoid!
You will then be learning all about FIRE. What to use for tinder and kindling. How to construct the fire. And lasting how to light it using fire-steels and flint and steel.
Once the fire is nice and hot YOU will be cooking a delicious wild taster on the camp-fire using the wild-greens your foraged. Yum!
We will finish the day doing a deep dive into nature connection so you leave the day feeling calm and relaxed.
Natural Cordage Making, Knots, Construct a Bushcraft Chair, Enjoy Wild Teas and Be Mindful in Nature
Day Three 3rd June 10am – 4pm
Have you ever eaten nettles? They are very delicious but did you know they have so many other uses. Did you know you can make STRING from their fibres?
On the third day in this series of Bushcraft and Nature connection YOU will be making natural cordage from that famous stinging plant AND from one of our most prickliest plants that grows just everywhere!
Cordage making is another very useful practical skill. Once you know the method you will want to try making it with further plant fibres you find.
You will be guided HOW to use a Kelly Kettle. Making a fire in its base and boiling water in its chimney. And once we have chosen some wild edible plants from the garden, you might choose that stinging one we used earlier, we can all enjoy a cup of WILD TEA. Delicious!
After lunch you will make use of your newly made natural cordage and construct a bushcraft chair using cordage, a few sticks, hessian and some very useful knots. An excellent skill to know if you ever forget a seat when camping.
Through-out the day we will remind you of the benefit of being mindful whilst in nature and to being aware of all your senses. The last part of the day you will experience a fun nature awareness exercise that might leave you feeling rather surprised and slightly puzzled.
Observation, Animal Tracks and Sign, Silent Movement and Deep Listening.
Day Four 10th June 10am – 4pm
How to use nature to Chill-Out! You will be experiencing simple awareness exercises that you can use in your daily life as you walk around campus to aid you in de-stressing and feeling more centered and calm.
These skills not only have a therapeutic benefit but are used when animal tracking. Observation and awareness skills are very important when tracking and today is all about Animal Tracking. How NOT to disturb every wild creature when your wanting to get up close in order to observe them. How to walk silently and use your peripheral vision to enhance your observation skills.
We will bring in some animal skulls and pelts for you to study. And you will be examining animals tracks and signs within the Oasis Gardens and surrounding areas. Find out who lives there? What do they eat? What have they been up to?
We will finish the day with the Drum Stalk. This is often a favourite for many. A fun nature awareness exercise using all your senses!
CLICK HERE to reserve your free place
If you have any queries, please email us at wellbeingevents@kent.ac.uk