Financial Year End seminars

You will probably be aware that the financial year-end is 31 July 2016.

The Financial Reporting team will be holding seminars on the ‘Financial Year End Process’, to offer advice and support on the university’s requirements and your responsibilities during the financial year end process.  The dates are:

Canterbury Campus
Thursday 23rd June 2016 from 2.00pm until 4.00pm
Tuesday 12th July 2016 from 10.00am until 12.00

Medway Campus
Tuesday 28 June 2016 from 10.00am until 12.00

To book your place please email Learning and Development at

If you cannot attend any of these sessions but would like to discuss the year-end process please contact the Financial Reporting Team (

We will shortly be sending out the updated year-end timetable, guidance notes and forms. Please let us know if you have not received these in previous years and would like to be added to our circulation list.