Easter Payment Dates

The Payments Office are providing an advanced schedule of deadlines for those planning payments to be submitted around the Easter Break.  Due to the Bank Holidays, there will be a slight alteration to our usual schedules.

Payment prior to Easter: 

BACS Run – Due to Good Friday, the BACS Run will be started on Monday 14th April and will be paid on Thursday 17th April.

Foreign Payments – Please ensure that all paperwork has been submitted by 12pm on Tuesday 8th April for payment prior to Easter.  A Foreign Payment Run will be processed during the week of 14th April, but payment cannot be guaranteed before Easter due to the bank holidays and processing times.

Payment after Easter:

BACS Run – This will revert back to being started on Tuesday, with the funds crediting on Friday 22nd April.

Foreign Payments – This will return to the usual deadline of a Wednesday at 12pm for inclusion on the weekly batch submitted to Convera.