
These pages are not updated anymore. For the latest information about my work, please visit:


Nov13 (invited) Causal assessment and the question of stability, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge.

Oct13 (invited) Round table on ‘Theoretical Foundations in the Evaluation of Health Interventions’. V Seminar on Technology Management and Innovation in Health: Evaluation of Health Impact of Technological Interventions. Salvador, Brazil.

Oct13 (invited) The concept of variation in causal discovery. Or, why causality needs difference XII Congreso Interamericano de Filosofia. Salvador, Brazil.

Aug13 Symposium : Causality and Information European Society for Philosophy of Science. Helsinki.

July13 Science without technology ? The case of biomarkers research. Society for Philosophy of Technology. Lisbon.

July13 What is invariance and how to test it. Causality and Experimentation in the Sciences. Paris.

June13 A non-manipulationist account of invariance. Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice. Toronto

June13 On the segmentation of causal inference. International network in economic methodology. Rotterdam

May 13 (invited) Evidence-based medicine and the Russo-Williamson Thesis. Philosophy of Medicine Seminar, Kings College, London.

April13 (invited) Information channels and biomarkers of disease. Mechanisms Workshop, University of Exeter

March13 Information channels and biomarkers of disease. 5th PI Workshop, University of Hertfordshire

Feb13 (invited) Causality in the sciences: a gentle introduction. Computer Science Department, Paris VII

Jan13 (invited) Causality in the sciences: the conceptual toolbox for organisational diagnosis. Enterprise Engineering Seminar, University of Antwerpen

Dec 12 (invited) Is better measurement always the solution? The case of ‘age’ and ‘SES’.  Artic Workshop on Measurement, Rovaniemi.

Nov 12 (invited) Interactions between the individual and the group: reflections from multilevel modelling in educational research.  Institute of Education, London.

Sept 12 (invited)Probabilità e causalità scienze sociali.  Concetti e tecniche della probabilità in fisica, biologia, e scienze sociali. Università di Urbino.

June 12 (invited)  Qu’est-ce qu’un modèle? Réflexions philosophiques à partir de l’analyse causale en sciences sociales. Workshop: La causalité en sciences humaines et sociales: expliquer, modéliser, mesurer? INED, Paris.

June 12 (Invited) Mechanisms in the sciences: A field guide.  Mechanisms in the sciences: A field guide

May 12 (invited) Causal mechanisms from causal models.  Workshop: Social mechanisms and social explanation. EIPE, Rotterdam.

Dec 11 (invited) Causes and probabilities for health Magic and Medicine: Conceptions of Causality in Processes of Healing. ZiF, Bielefeld, Germany.

Sept 11 Functions and Mechanisms in Structural Explanations Causality and Explanation in the Sciences, Ghent University, Belgium.

May 11 The homo poieticus and the bridge between physis and techne Society for Philosophy and Technology Conference, University of North Texas.

March 11 (invited) Correlational data, causal hypotheses, and validity Workshop “Causality, inference, and science”, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain.

Feb 11 (invited) Many ways to say ‘cause’. Or, do concurrent systems need causality? Department of Mathematics, University of Padua, Italy.

Dec 10 (invited) On empirical generalisations Workshop “Points of contact between the philosophy of physics and the philosophy of biology: Probability, law, and natural kinds”, LSE, ESF Research Networking Programme ‘Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective’

Oct 10 Public health policy, evidence, and causation. Lessons from the studies on obesity CiBaSS, Rotterdam

Sept 10 (invited) On the causal interpretation of statistical models in social research Workshop ‘The debate on mathematical modelling in the social sciences’, University of A Coruña, ESF Research Networking Programme ‘Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective’

March 10 (invited) Public health policy, evidence, and causation. Lessons from the studies on obesity Workshop ‘Multi-Level Causation’, IHPST Paris I

Feb 10 On Extrapolation Philosophy Department, University of Kent

Oct 09 The Rationale of Variation in Methodological and Evidential Pluralism EPSA 09, Amsterdam

Sept 09 (invited) Downstream differences in different types of extrapolation EIPE, Erasmus University Rotterdam

July 09 Generic vs. Single-Case Causality. The Case of Autopsy BSPS, East Anglia

Jan 09 Measuring Variations Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh

Dec 08 (invited) Objective Bayesianism and Causal Modelling in the Social Sciences IHPST, Paris I

Nov 08 (invited) Objective Bayesianism and Causal Modelling in the Social Sciences CLWF, Free University Brussels

Nov 08 (invited) Comments on JW Lindemans and J.Anderson Neuroeconomics: Hype or Hope? EIPE, Rotterdam

Sept 08 Levels of causation and the interpretation of probability Seminar 1Seminar 2 Causality Study Fortnight, Centre for Reasoning, University of Kent

Sept 08 Measuring variations CAPITS 2008, Centre for Reasoning, University of Kent

Sept 08 Variational causal claims in epidemiology Young Researchers Day, Brussels

July 08 Causality in epidemiology: definition, evidence, rationale Workshop on Philosophy of Medicine, Centre for Reasoning, University of Kent

July 08 Potential outcomes, counterfactuals, and structural models European Population Conference, Barcelona

Apr08 Mechanisms and systems. Causal issues in the social sciences IUC Dubrovnik, Annual Philosophy of Science Conference

Feb08 (invited) Causal modelling and system analysis: complementarity or opposition? Centre for Reasoning, University of Kent

Dec07 What if explanation didn’t need counterfactuals ? ‘What if? So what!’ conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Nov 07 Empirical generalisations in social science Philosophy Department, University of Kent

Nov 07 (invited) Y-a-t-il des lois de la physique sociales ? ISP, Université catholique de Louvain

Oct07 (invited) Qu’est-que le bayésianisme objectif? IHPST, Université de Paris I

Oct07 Explaining causal modelling. Or, what a causal model ought to explain SILF08 international conference,Milan

Oct07 (invited) Causality in the health sciences. Interpretation and rationale Evidence in biomedical research,UNED, Madrid

Dec06 Interpreting causality in the health sciences Workshop: Causality and Probability in the Biomedical Sciences, University of Kent

July06 Interpreting probability in causal models for cancer British Society for Philosophy of Science, Annual Conference, Southampton

June06 Causality, confounding and control European Population Conference, Liverpool

June 06 Interpreting probability in causal models for cancer “Causality and Probability in the Sciences”, Canterbury 14-16 June

May06 (invited) Causality and probability in the sciences Computing Department, University of Kent

March06 (invited) Measuring Variations SECL, University of Kent

Nov05 (invited) Causalité en sciences sociales: quelques remarques épistémologiques et méthodologiques Midis de la RechercheInstitut de démographie,Université Catholique de Louvain

Oct05 Statistical modelling and causality Evidence ProjectUniversity College London

July05 Statistical modelling and causality XXV International Population Conference, Tours (France)

June05 Empirically-based Bayesian probabilities in the social science PROGIC 2005London School of Economics

May05 (invited) Towards an integrated account of causality within the Evidence project? Evidence Project University College London

May05 (invited) From probabilistic theories of causality to causal modelling. Bringing causal theory to maturity Conference of the Belgian Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Leuven 20-21 May

April05 Explaining causal modelling IUC Dubrovnik, Annual Philosophy of Science Conference

March05 Levels of causation University of Gent,Belgium

March05 Levels of causation Evidence Project,University College London

Jan05 (invited) Variations and causal assumptions. Epistemological remarks on causal modelling Evidence Project,University College London

Aug04 Causal arrows in causal assumptions 3rd International Summer School, University of Konstanz,Germany

July04 (invited) Philosophy of probability and philosophy of causality. A gentle introduction Wolfson College,Oxford University

March04 Bayesian squirrels. A novel defence of twofold causality Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

March04 Lapins causaux de chapeaux physique? Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

July03 Probabilistic causality and explanation 2nd International Summer School, University of Konstanz,Germany.

April03 Empiricism and the interpretation of probability 29th Annual Conference of Philosophy of Science,IUC, Dubrovnik

Oct02 La critique de Bas van Fraassen de l’inférence à la meilleure explication Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

March02 Causalité et probabilité : les modèles statistiques Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium