In the module we studied a wide and diverse range of literature, spanning all the way from Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales to Toni Morrison’s Beloved. We generally focused on one text per week, working chronologically through the history of literature, discussing themes such as identity, colonialism, loss, society and love.
The lectures were very interesting and engaging, with different lecturers each week who had detailed knowledge of the text and context of the time. I enjoyed the seminars immensely, as I loved the stimulating and varied discussions of the group, and the inclusion of group work.
I’d definitely recommend ‘Books that Shaped Culture’ to any student interested in literature, as I feel it gives solid and essential foundational knowledge on a vast selection of literary themes and genres, and provides a good introduction to university learning.
Isabelle, Stage 1 English and American Literature
‘Books that Shaped Culture: An Introduction to Literature’ is a Stage 1 term-long module available to be taken by all students studying English and American Literature, whether it be as a single-honours subject or as part of a joint-honours degree. For more information on the module itself, please click here.