Work Experience with Convert Energy

Convert Energy are a national renewable energy design and project management company. Since 2015, Convert Energy have supported the EP Scheme through offering placements focusing … Read more

What is EP?

So, you’re new to Kent and you’ve heard of the ‘EP Scheme’ but aren’t quite sure what it means? Don’t worry, we’ve got everything you … Read more

Canterbury BID: Internship

Through the University of Kent’s Employability Points (EP) Scheme and co-funded by the Santander Universities SME Internship Programme, Canterbury BID recently appointed Tiphène Lechleiter (School … Read more

BAE Company Experience Day

A group of EP students had an exclusive tour of the BAE systems site in Rochester. Here, they got a taste of some of the … Read more

EP Offers Exclusive Workshops!

This year, the Employability Points scheme have been able to offer even more amazing rewards to Kent students (860 rewards in total!). As well as … Read more

Student Case Study: Maxine Hart

The EP team recently caught-up with Maxine Hart (School of History) to discuss her journey through the Employability Points Scheme, which started back in 2013! … Read more