Centre for Professional Practice achieves 100% satisfaction in PTES

The Centre for Professional Practice has achieved 100% overall student satisfaction in the 2019 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES), demonstrating the Centre’s excellence in delivering top quality professional development opportunities through programmes specifically designed for part time postgraduate students from a wide range of professions. PTES is run by the Advance HE (formerly known as the Higher Education Academy) and the 2019 survey was carried by 71,000 students across 85 Higher Education Institutions.

The Centre achieved excellent student satisfaction scores in a number of key categories including:

                                                                CPP                                         University of Kent average

Dissertation                                            100%                                                      80%

Assessment and feedback                     97%                                                       75%

Quality of teaching and learning           97%                                                       84%

Organisation and management             93%                                                       75%

Resources and services                         93%                                                       88%


These results endorse the high quality of teaching and student support within the Centre and the score of 100% in overall student satisfaction (University of Kent average 85%). This indicates the Centre’s emphasis on providing part-time postgraduate study for professionals which is both flexible and responsive to their needs and expectations. The response rate for the survey within CPP was 100% and we particularly appreciate that all of those eligible to do so chose to respond.

CPP achieved 100% on the following questions:

  • The course is intellectually stimulating                                                               100%
  • The learning materials provided on my course are useful                                  100%
  • I am happy with the support for my learning I received on my course               100%
  • The course is well organised and is running smoothly                                       100%
  • I was given appropriate guidance and support when I started my course         100%
  • My research skills have developed during my course                                        100%
  • I am happy with the support I received for planning my dissertation                  100%
  • My supervisor has the skills and subject knowledge to adequately support      100%

my dissertation


Dr Anne-Maria Brennan, Director of Graduate Studies


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