FDR Workshops

Dear all, I understand that some of you were unable to be at the FDR lecture on Tuesday evening when your colleagues signed up for … Read more

Global Skills Award

Hi all, just a quick reminder that the application deadline for the Global Skills Award Programme, which is open to all taught postgraduate students, closes … Read more

LACIP Guest lecture

Dear all, Mr Nico Frandi, from the European External Action Service, will give a guest lecture as part of the Legal Aspects in Contemporary International … Read more

BGU Elections

Hello Everyone, I hope you have had a great first two weeks and you are starting to get completely settled in Brussels. We, the BGU, … Read more

Mona Shair update

Dear BSISers, Following our “dream job” workshop last week, I would like to remind you of this Thursday`s workshop on CV & Cover letter writing, … Read more

EFSP – Week 3 Update

To those students taking EFSP with Professor Whitman, As Professor Whitman is unable to teach in week 7, he will run a double lecture and … Read more