Disability History Month events

In Student Support & Wellbeing we’ve been working on an exciting line up of events to mark Disability History Month (22 November to 22 December), which this year has an Arts focus. Activities include art exhibitions, musical performances, talks, workshops, performance art, film screenings, a comedy night, as well as an exploration of gaming accessibility and design, all free to staff, students and the local community.

The full programme of events is available at www.kent.ac.uk/dhm, but there are various events we think Arts staff and students may be particularly interested in…

‘Adventures of a Super Aspie Girl’ by Annette Foster

Friday 24 November, 18:00 – 19:00 in Lumley Theatre

 Human Microphone

Thursday 23rd November, 16:30 Outside Senate Building; Tuesday 28 November 14:30 Keynes Duck Pond; Tuesday 5 December 14:30 Plaza

Join us for a series of collaborative performances inspired by Gandhi and harnessed by the horizontal protest groups of Occupy at Wall Street. The Human Microphone creates a space for us to speak as individuals, but also speak as a community. To come together and amplify each other’s voices. To make the ‘invisibles’ visible. To celebrate disability and challenge disablism. To come together as one and speak for the many.

 Professor Mike Oliver: Distinguished Visitor Lecture – ‘Disability History, Bleeding Hearts and Parasite People’

Wednesday 29 November 18.00 to 19.00 Grimond Lecture Theatre 1


Professor Oliver, an academic, author and disability rights activist, will speak of how from small beginnings at the university, and elsewhere, the social model of disability has had a profound effect on disability consciousness and a significant influence on social policies.  He says vicious attacks have been launched on the living standards and lifestyles of disabled people and his talk will explain what’s really happening to disabled people in 21st century Britain.

 Mustard Seed Singers Concert

Tuesday 5 December, 17:15 – 18:00 (followed by mulled wine and mince pies reception from 18:00), Colyer-Fergusson Hall

The Mustard Seed Singers is a charity comprised of singers with mental health difficulties or those affected by it, e.g carers, relatives and friends.


Mental health Stigma Workshop with Chloe Farahar

Wednesday 6 December, 13:00 – 15:00, Cornwallis East Seminar Room 1



Fighting Instinct: Challenging game design in a sighted world

Wednesday 6th December, 15:00 – 17:00, Studio 2 Jarman

Join us for an afternoon exploring gaming accessibility, Killer Instinct (contains strong violence) and what it takes to compete with sighted gamers when you have no sight yourself.


Little Tich: ‘Size and Identity’ talk by Olly Double and Jonjo Brady

Thursday 7 December, 12:00 – 13:00, Rutherford Lecture Theatre 1


Melzebra – a music performance by saxophonist Mel Dawkins

Friday 8th December, 13:00 – 14:00, Colyer-Fergusson Foyer


For further information please contact us at DHM2017@kent.ac.uk.