Ollie Finlinson interviewed by Chichester Observer about Acid Rain

Ollie Finlinson

Following to his successful festival entries for his short film Acid Rain, BA (Hons) in Film with a Placement Year graduand Ollie Finlinson has been interviewed by the Chichester Observer in an article published yesterday, 1 July 2020.

The short film was made during his time at Kent, involving both professional actors alongside Kent students. The post-apocalyptic themes resonate with current COVID-19 events, which the article considers.

‘There are certain obvious parallels with what has happened now, though it hasn’t quite followed down the same path as my film. But it is quite spooky that in some ways it has almost happened,’ explains Ollie in the interview.

Ollie also won Best Director and Best Short Film at the Canterbury University Film Festival last month.

To read the full article, please see the page here: