The film You Won’t Remember Me (2019), made by students from the School of Arts and KTV Film, has won ‘Best Student Film (Feature)’ at the Los Angeles Film Awards. It has also been selected for the New York Film Awards and has been selected as one of 15 finalists at Festigious International Film Festival.
KTV Film is part of the award-winning student media group Kent Television, producing a selection of films each academic year.
You Won’t Remember Me was directed by Victor Blaho, who is currently studying BA (Hons) Film with a Year Abroad. The film follows the story of Lethe, 40, who wakes up one morning believing she is 19. This sudden amnesia brings her back to a time where she experienced a life changing trauma, that she now has to face in order to overcome her condition. In addition to having to deal with her 19 year old son Lee, she needs to face her innermost past fears and adapt to her present environment strangely unfamiliar to her.
School of Arts student involved in making the film include: Victor Blaho, Rumen Russev and Niall Murphy, all currently studying BA (Hons) Film with a Year Abroad; Adam Simcox, Francesca Coman, Lia Stefanescu, Nikita Kornel, Chidi Ekwe, and Trisha-Evans-Lutterodt who are all studying BA (Hons) in Film; Amelia Mundy, who is studying the BA (Hons) in Drama and Film); Rebecca Mars Jr. and Rhys Clydesdale, who study the BA (Hons) in Drama and Theatre; and Olivia Kluba,who studies the BA (Hons) in Media Studies.
Students from School of English, School of Physical Sciences, School of Politics, Engineering and Digital Arts and School of Law also participated in the making of the Film.
‘The project took 13 months to complete’, Victor explains. ‘I made a film about trauma while being traumatised by the making of it. However, similarly to our main character, I now see the unfortunate series of events that we went through, not as a curse, but as a blessing filled with creative opportunities and personal growth possibilities’.
The IMDB page for the film can be found here:
The 72 minute film (rated 15) is available to watch on the KTV Youtube channel here: