Drama graduate, Storme Toolis and her company performed their reworking of Shakespeare’s iconic heroine in ‘Redefining Juliet’ at the Barbican in March 2016.
‘Redefining Juliet’ is a unique re-telling of Romeo And Juliet using a diverse group of actors – all with disabilities or differences. Using a combination of original text and verbatim theatre from six Juliets and just one Romeo, ‘Redefining Juliet’ transports Shakespeare’s heroine right into the heart of today’s diverse 21st century society.
“Loved Redefining Juliet – Challenging notions of disability & desire. Reminded me what theatre can do. Heart wrenching & restorative – I wept.” Tutku Barbaros
“Redefining Juliet is funny, inspiring, brilliantly produced and acted. It’s going to be huge.” @backwardwriting
The company’s rehearsal process has been filmed and will be shown on BBC Four as part of the BBC Shakespeare Festival.
Congratulations to Storme and all of the cast and crew of the production!