The National Student Survey Results 2015 for Drama and Film have been released and we are happy to announce our results.
Overall Satisfaction:
- Film has been ranked 6th in the UK with a score of 93% satisfied with the course.
- Drama has an overall satisfaction score of 81%.
- History of Art has an overall satisfaction score of 96%.
Other observations:
- 91% of Drama students said that staff were enthusiastic about what they are teaching.
- 95% of Film students agreed that staff made the subject interesting.
- 92% of Film students were satisfied with the overall Organisation and Management of their course.
- 85% of Drama students were satisfied with the overall Personal Development opportunities on their course.
- 89% of Film students are satisfied with the learning resources available to them on their course.
- 86% of Film students were happy with the Academic Support they received on the course including feedback from staff.
- 86% of Drama students were happy with the teaching on their course.
- 100% of History of Art students said that staff were enthusiastic about what they are teaching.
- 96% of History of Art students agreed that staff made the subject interesting.
- 98% of History of Art students found the course intellectually stimulating.
The NSS provides students with the opportunity to have their say about what they like and don’t like about their student experience. The survey is commissioned by HEFCE and fully supported by NUS and the results are used to inform national league tables and university rankings and helps us to continually improve student experience in years to come.
The School of Arts would like to thank our students who took the time to complete the survey as the results will now be used to improve areas highlighted by the results and also expand on the successes.