Hiroyuki Yamase

Hiroyuki Yamase is visiting us next week. He will be around next Thursday and Friday (21-22 August) and will be giving a seminar on Friday (see details and abstract below).

Hiroyuki Yamase
Hiroyuki is a condensed matter theorist at the NIMS in Tsukuba (Japan) and the MPI for Solid State Research in Stuttgart (Germany). He is interested in strongly-correlated electron systems, including phenomenology of pnictides, cuprates, and ruthenates.

If you would like some time to talk to him while he is visiting us, please do let me know.

At 2pm on Friday in Room 110, Ingram building

Hiroyuki Yamase

National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan
and Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany

“Griffiths wings of electronic nematic phase transition

A spatial xy anisotropy generated by a uniaxial pressure or strain can control a phase transition. In particular, the xy anisotropy couples directly to electronic nematic order and thus is expected to play a crucial role in a system exhibiting nematicity. In this talk, we study the phase diagram of an electronic nematic phase transition in the presence of xy anisotropy by using a mean-field theory and a functional renormalization-group theory. Obtained results can be related to various materials such as curprates, ruthenates, and quasi-one-dimensional metals, as well as cold atom systems.

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